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Everything posted by ribb

  1. ribb


    a man that can see the full picture,been to specsavers
  2. managed to capture these this morning do you think the one in the front has a knacked leg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soLA-GsOOo4
  3. this is how i would do it,start low and work it up to the top .pup 7 months old http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1TbuBSDmDE
  4. filmed these this morning http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKos10GtuXE
  5. managed to capture this the other day,what type of bird do you think it has got for dinner http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFZPbnG77kU
  6. when the big man up the stairs gets angry and pishes on us for a fortnight usually the middle of october
  7. not a hundred percent but getting there http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pw6nAH8MYa0
  8. just heard on the radio another wee 10yr old lassie mauled by an akita in kilmarnock 150 stitches in her face in a 4 hour opperation in crosshouse hospital, wee lassie was playing with the owners wee boy in the garden when the dog just went crackers
  9. hi boys ,can anyone tell me what kind of licence i would need to apply for to run greyhounds at a licenced track,cheers
  10. ribb

    starting up

    hi boys,cuold somebody tell me what kind of licence i need to apply for to run the dogs at a licenced track,cheers
  11. giving the dog a good old hand rubdown 2or 3 times a week should help bring out the natural gloss of its coat
  12. read all this thread and not down on bull Xs ,correct me if i'm wrong but a first x bull is a dog that is best suited to lamping,without the light the amazing bull x is just a glorified guard dog and granted the 3/4 bred is a bit faster but it isn't the nimblest of dogs, the majority of whom turn like a bull because of their make up,sorry if this offends, only my oppinion
  13. detol and hot soapy water ,then spray it with duramitex,kills most things
  14. stiff little fingers brilliant
  15. thanks for the kind words folks and for those who are intreested the pups are in scotland
  16. thanks for the kind words folks and for those who are interested the pups are in scotland
  17. cheers for the kind words frost
  18. heres another wee look at the gang http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QS3c7-Lzvd8
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