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Everything posted by ribb

  1. nice pup mate watch that laminate flooring treatcherous stuff that
  2. would never leave anything behind only gives away the fact that you were there in the first place
  3. hi boys got a wee problem ive got a 15 month old3/4 grew 1/4 saluki bitch that ive been bringing on softly she has had a handful of goes straight from the seat if you know what i mean and shes all over them like a rash striking at right time bang job done the problem i have is when you give her a long one she bombs up to it like a rocket but just runs round and round and round ears pricked not even trying to strike then just stops strolls back to me as if its not been off the lead put it back to the seat job done no prob any advice would be much appreciated as this is really starting
  4. worker to worker ,just what most folk want to hear ,one of the best lies ,been going for years.nearly as good as its a genuine first cross mate
  5. if it was mine i would take it out and give it a right hard chase from the seat if you know what i mean cause the harder they run the harder the mouth
  6. ribb


    they are first cross saluki/greyhound over a 3/4greyhound1/4deerhound,they are brothers mate,and the wee black one is just a clusterfuck
  7. just a couple of pics of the dogs,trying to get to grips with this new machine
  8. nice pups best of luck with them
  9. nice clean and healthy looking pups enjoy
  10. right boys, just out of curiosity,you boys that's banging on about how good that dog is,do you really honestly,hand on heart believe that that hare with the same start,on the same ground couldn't have been lifted off the field in 2 minutes with a different dog.i don't know about this" fen coursing" but i do know that 6 flat parks is 6 flat parks and that job could have been done in half the time with a dog that knows how to apply and sustain pressure
  11. why? a hare only has to run once to survive a dogs got to do it maybe 3/4/5 times or more to please the owner. ever had anything as good as that dog yourself? have so mate and probably not the only unknown guy to have had a dog as good as that if not better bollock's !!! you've dreamed of owning a dog like that !!!! it's really easy to tell the "keyboard" courser's when they come out with daft statement's like that !!! and quite a few of them are "showing" the "flag" of scotland i wonder why ? are they lacing the tennant's with L.C.D. nowaday's ??? this dog is in anybo
  12. i seen that Me too, and I'm just hoping for his sake, that isnt his dog, and if it is, that he is under 14. edited to say, just read the post above, and fear it is his dog. aye right bud thats just what i would do put my own dog on youtube c'mon get with the program
  13. you'll be talking about the dog that took over half a minute to get to the hare then three and a half minutes to lift it off a flat grass park awesome eh
  14. hundred yards of a start up hill in a muck hole http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5IycybuF_U
  15. why? a hare only has to run once to survive a dogs got to do it maybe 3/4/5 times or more to please the owner. ever had anything as good as that dog yourself? have so mate and probably not the only unknown guy to have had a dog as good as that if not better
  16. back in the 80s when there was money to be made in salmon bumped into a copper standing at the dam gaff in hand 5 o'clock in the morning I ASKED HIM WHIT IS IT YOUR DAEING he replied the same as your here to do 2weeks later the same b.....d got me 3months nice eh
  17. imo dogs take longer than bitches to come into their own and a wee word of advice its not a race to see who has got the best dog mate so take your time and you will have a working dog left when your mate has none
  18. hi boys just wondering is there any of you got your dogs that educated and familiure with the ground you work that it can do it in the dark without a lanp to a level where if you go back a 100 and odd year you would still be able to fill the pot without too much fear of getting hung or deported to austrailia or some other god forsaken place.i ask this question because if you put a lamp on where i stay you will go to prison but i am a great believer that man can overcome any problem that is put in front of him
  19. get in there some reading
  20. in answer to your first question is she a complete waste of time i'd say no but that will all depend on what you do with the dog now, bearing in mind the dog is still a baby. as to whether the owner has completely ruined her, not yet but given time i'm sure he will manage it.to answer the third question,this is a tricky one, once they jack do they jack for life,no but when even the best of dogs,the legends are pushed beyond their capabilities they will jack,everything has a jacking point ,the trick is to know and understand your dogs capabilities
  21. thougth this was a lucky rabbit 90yards up hill http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lKy7LZpmKo
  22. christ there was me thinking that was the best bit of it thats my bubble burst
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