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Everything posted by cush

  1. dig deep scrooge and buy a tumbler
  2. done the same last season they were eating a dead ewe and the both of them were side on hit the two of them with the same shot,the old saying two birds one stone
  3. have you still got your mk3 locator is it still for sale if so what method of payment would you accept
  4. gunshop at eaglsham has federal 222 or continental shooting at dalry, i have a cz 222 and its the only shot i have any grouping with
  5. i use federal powershock nothing else gives as close grouping at 100yds
  6. i have one as well 31 foxes from the start of august best thing i have ever bught for a tenner
  7. does anyone know what the going rate for catching moles i have a few farmers who have a lot moles to get rid of it used to be priced by the acre when they used strichnen but things have now changed can anyone help thanks
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