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About player1

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    Born Hunter

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    all angles

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  1. That's where my retarded half sister came from then.... PS. All I know is that I know I don't give a shit, and if I did give a shit you'd be the first person I'd give it to.. Thanks
  2. Thankfully I'm not as sad as a f**k witted retard who can't be arsed to type the word you and use a spell checker.. ..and I don't even own a laptop.... I take it your not one of the people in the know then? because you would know if you know! And theirs nothing wrong with being a retard, cus your mum loves it :db:
  3. whippet/tumbler x 5/8 3/8bull greyhound,2year old in pict from feb
  4. You will always get slated on ere mate, just the way it is. i must admit i thought it was gonna be abit better story, but at least u went out, fair play! Am gonna have a bash tonight, gotta get me dog fit again, just had nearly 3 weeks off with a throat infection then some sort of kennel cough which is a b*****d!!! apparently theirs alot of it going around!!! Went out friday just to see if hes ok to run and had 2 rabbits off 3slips with no wheezin or anything so hes on the mend, just gotta takin it slow, happy hunting
  5. [bANNED TEXT] did u move 2 a new p***y camp wid a internet connection? u havnt bin on here 4 a while....

  6. :laugh: all i know is mate that anyone with over 10,000 posts under their belt must be a prize c**t! Are you trying to get a free t-shirt or summot! or a free membership to puppy peddeling paradise!!! U need to stop wanking over your lap top and get in the field mate, u sound like a right sad knob :wankerzo4: ATB xxx
  7. very smart dog mate How's he bred? he's a "BLACKWATER" dog , not very old in the picture bull/grey x whip/tumbler finished at 29 tts 79 lb ,thats him with his dam and sire in the profile picture Hello ...is that Sika? yes the sire to your pup , hows it doing
  8. very smart dog mate How's he bred? he's a "BLACKWATER" dog , not very old in the picture bull/grey x whip/tumbler finished at 29 tts 79 lb ,thats him with his dam and sire in the profile picture
  9. oh, maybe its just %*&£ he steams into, after another jib on a lesser creature!!! if you know what i mean X38! lol Or 3 accidental slips of a young dog in one night Oh dear, can of worms...
  10. i just carnt see it! show me the way!!!
  11. hi mr dogbone, player1 here. i carnt seem to understand why u need to be putting my first and second name all over the computer, thanks alot!!! i really carnt see what your big problem is about about this litter of pups. obviously youve got some sort of problem with x38 but u know the dam and sire to these pups well, and u know their working background so therefor i carnt see what the problem is. the breeding is genuine as x38 has breed for himself and friends and ive been offered a pup but u know i would have one if i had the kennel/garden space. i am takin this as personnel as i would like t
  12. heres the sire to the pups, hes 2years and 3months old and 28.5 inches tts. The dog is a 100% worker day and night, he was bread for one thing in mind and the portfolios lookin good, and my sunday dinners are beaulifull. And just for the record dogbone hes 15% bull on paper if that counts for f**k all, because hes seen more action than red if your honest and most definately caught more stuff!pictures tell a thousand storys or so they say! oh yeah how was your meat bank holiday, i prefere it fresh!
  13. hi all, well heres the dad, not the most up to date pictures im sorry, have forgot how to use this site and how to upload pictures its been that long, and to be honest im sick and tired of all the f****n idiots on here (u know the sort of people i mean)too bitchy for me. The said dog is 28.5 inches and an 100% worker day and night, [i]and mr dog bone youve seen what he can do in the field, enough said their i think [/i] The pups are looking really good mate wish i had more room!
  14. pups taking shape now, looks nice, heres a picture of that brother you were on about with the dam and sire. will have to go out for a mooch soon All the best mate player1
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