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Everything posted by devvo

  1. out-standing well done mate im gonna make summut like that for my stinkers cheers devvo
  2. frank doesent want too look after all of us anymore are we that bad frank?
  3. just noticed that this part of THL isint led by anyone whys this?? cheers devvo
  4. Got 5 they were hard work as we had to chase them down holes as nothing was home other wise Hanging up the nets now till october time.
  5. nice morning, lets hope we find plenty off rabbits
  6. Me and my grandad are gonna have a gander out n about tomorrow with the ferrets hopefully get a few bunnies fingers crossed i will have a few pics for you ladys and gents Cheers Devvo
  7. one that has four legs :thumbs-up: :whistle: devvo
  8. we had one escape a while back, some how managed 2 climb over a wall lucky we went looking for it, heard a russling noise and thee he was padlocks are now fitted to the cages :thumbs-up: cheers devvo
  9. morning frank we mated one of our jills last year and from what i remember it took a fair while, cnt remember exactly how long but it was a while. cheers devvo
  10. nice day then mate? :thumbs-up: i would of been out today but theres too many young bunnys about not a bad haul of are four legged "freinds" cant wait till nxt season cheers devvo
  11. o dear o dear On the way to my garage my brother was travaling down a long straight road, and a dear ran out he hit it and it was killed out right, unfortionatly the front end of his car was smashed up bad so im on with repairing it now so its another road kill for team devvo cheers devvo
  12. 6 ferrets, 3 sandy hobs (1 is 2 years other two are last years young), 3 polecat jills (the youngest 1 has some nice white marking on her under her chin and on her front legs she is last years ) out of the other 2 the oldest is 4 and the other is 2 the older ferrets are really good workers and the young guns are comin on well 6 ferrets, 3 sandy hobs (1 is 2 years other two are last years young), 3 polecat jills (the youngest 1 has some nice white marking on her under her chin and on her front legs she is last years ) out of the other 2 the oldest is 4 and the other is 2 t
  13. now then fellow hunters im not a ratting man myself but from the dvds ive seen i think it depends on the mixture of 2-stroke doesent it? more oil too petrol makes more smoke so there for better? cheers devvo
  14. now then on my way home from the girlfriends house last night, i was making steady progress i wasnt speeding honest :whistle: there were alot of bunnys on the road side and one unlucky rabbit decided to run out into the road so i reversed and picked it up, feed the ferrets this morning , they looked pleased to see it they havent had a rabbit in a while as we havent been out cheers devvo
  15. devvo


    i use straw all year round , but i also put in a chopped up dressing gown , its chopped up in to roughly 2ft by 3 ft sections and the ferrets love it, they all lay on top of the straw which they make into a nest, then put the gown on top cheers devvo
  16. just tryin 2 give them somthing different mate a little treat cheers devvo
  17. its like what my mates mother use to say if it goes in one whole in can come out of the other
  18. i thought it was abit wierd to cheers devvo
  19. my mum would like to know is it ok to give fruit and veg to ferrets? if you mix it in with there meat? cheers devvo
  20. Is it true that before the days of the locator string was used in stead? i cnt remember if my grandad tol me this but i know ive heard it from somwhere. p.s im a locator n collar man (i say man im only 17 ) cheers devvo opps just read a post i think my question has already been answered cheers devvo sorry about the double post how has that happened? cheers devvvo
  21. nice one mate, ive just goolged "what is a ute" and pictures of pick ups came up so id say yes ute is are pick up cheers devvo
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