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Everything posted by devvo

  1. devvo


    aup fellow hunters my hob ferret go for the rabbits eyes [bANNED TEXT] i dig for him i was just wonderin y he does this and if ne of your ferrets do it
  2. curryed rabbits is best :whistle:
  3. devvo


    ne more people got msn if so wats ya addys
  4. y u sellin it [bANNED TEXT]?
  5. if u got your ferret bak leave the bunnies :shout:
  6. i agree kill them now i u wont have ne probs later. i got 2 little ones today gave them straight to the ferrets
  7. nope i havent!! :ph34r:
  8. where u from [bANNED TEXT] gd old yorkshire north yorkshire tht is
  9. I did sumut really stupid once i the rabbit out of the net n i fort i broke its neck so dropped it on the floor and it ran away lol :realmad: but i wont do tht agen
  10. lol gd idea about giving the jills one [bANNED TEXT] there pregnant ill do tht yer [bANNED TEXT] one of fthe better days thanxz for the replys.
  11. im glad to hear tht cheers Woody
  12. went out last sunday got 21 rabbits from 2 hedge rows then went onto a couple of sets in the middle of a field and bolted a few babys. 1 of the ferrets got one so [bANNED TEXT] i got home i put it in 2 there cage not skinned or nething n went 2 get it out the nxt morning n there was nuffin left only fur!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so were the fuk has the rabbit gone? do they eat the whole thing??
  13. going out nxt weekend after a fox first time going after one lookin foward 2it though im going wid an experinace [bANNED TEXT] who has a few teriers ill tell u wat happens
  14. ive had black n gingers one [bANNED TEXT] but never blue
  15. well done [bANNED TEXT] nice work
  16. gd idea [bANNED TEXT]
  17. devvo


    i will propabply be after some nylon ones as im on budget troble is not many people i talk to take me seriosly as im young any help appreciated cheers were abouts u based rob how old r u [bANNED TEXT] im 16 and people take me serious
  18. aup lads. woke up this moring 2 feed the ferrets 2 discover it was raining :realmad: i was looking foward 2 going out 2day but im just wondering if i should'nt cause its raining im not sscared of getting wet but i just wanna no if u lads have been out in the wet cheers devvo
  19. gd idea about clearing the area [bANNED TEXT] 2moro but like bullet (the real one) says other people might take advantage
  20. I can vouch for that as I was in the red hilux in the next field. :ph34r: lol
  21. lol i agree bud wats all tht about lol
  22. aup lads. [bANNED TEXT] got a silver nissan tht was in north yorkshire on sunday i dnt suppose ne of u do but i thought i might ask cause they were on my permisson :realmad:
  23. saw the first nests of babys on sunday [bANNED TEXT] in north yorkshire
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