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Everything posted by devvo

  1. e-bay would b the best place mate, or u could try and make your own??
  2. lol mate my mum wont leave the littel ones :11:
  3. was it a gd suprise mate??? what are you doing with them?
  4. devvo


    hi Hywel just posted the bulk pack of gnashers they will be with you asap thanks for your order Fuzzy. lol mate
  5. wat was in that bowl mate???? egg??
  6. devvo


    STILL playin tht song mate (stairway to heaven) lol :alcoholic:
  7. yes mate im playing stairway to heaven lol mate
  8. u like dnt ya fuzzy :alcoholic:
  9. is he baiting and drawing blood are just nipping sum times he grabs hold but lets go [bANNED TEXT] i say get off lol other times its a gentle nip cause it dosent hurt. he drew blood once
  10. hi im new 2 snaring and i would like to buy some snares i think i need the ones u put on a fence because u can see where the rabbits go though. how much are they n can u give a bit of advice on where to buy them and how 2 set them cheers devvo
  11. i might be to do with that mate or it could be to do with the jills if any of them are in season tap him on the nose a few time when he trys to bite you other people will tell you the same thing mate all the best cheers holey i was told by my a friend 2 blow in his face?? wat u think?
  12. aup hunters for some reason my hob ferret is starting 2 bite i dont no why. will i be because he can smell a litter of ferrets in the cage next to him n hes protecting then i dont why hes doin he used to be a gd ferret not biting at all any thoughts would be apprectiated
  13. devvo


    is it your 1st time breeding ferrets mate if it is try and stay away a little bit longer good luck mine are 10 days old now and getting ther coats mine are 4 days old, do they start getting their coats at 10 days old, or before or quite later ?? yer it is my first time with the kits holey ill leave them longer then thanxz mate
  14. devvo


    yey there here ill put sum pics on in about 5 days
  15. devvo

    me dog

    [bANNED TEXT] u upload your pics u ned to edit the pic size. if u use photo bucket just click edit then click 25% of origanl
  16. devvo

    my kits

    gd to know tht mum n kits r going good [bANNED TEXT] let me no [bANNED TEXT] u can count them properly lol
  17. were abouts in south yorkshire r u [bANNED TEXT]?
  18. cheers [bANNED TEXT] is he ever on here ???
  19. hi just wondering if [bANNED TEXT] would b interested in ne kits in the north yorkshire area?? ive got 2 jills ready 2 dropped ne time now and i just wanted 2 no if [bANNED TEXT] would b interested ??
  20. devvo

    my kits

    is there 10 there [bANNED TEXT] or 11 i think theres tht many lol
  21. devvo

    my kits

    nice ferrets [bANNED TEXT]
  22. spikey, our oldest jill and again fudge the boss man Devvo our hob
  23. thts true [bANNED TEXT] but he was doin my head in
  24. now then , i normal stick 2 ferreting because im not aloud a dog but my mate who has a couple of lurchers and a few terriers says tht he wants abit more permisson so i asked him if he wants to try some of mine out and he agreed so saturday it is cnt wait
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