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About justin

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    Born Hunter

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    welsh valleys

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  1. sounds like a good idea to me...got a cob myself...
  2. myself i use russel types...but my patterdale was just as happy...it keeps em sharp and happy
  3. why does this type of luck always happen to someone else.....ive been waiting for my missus to leave for about 4 yrs...think of all the extra time you got for lamping and diggin......fair swap ...lucky b*****d....all the best buddy and good luck for 2010
  4. just keep the water topped up to correct level and make yourself a candler...record dates, times etc for future referrence...and make sure to keep an eye on temperature and airflow around incubator is even as you can affect it by the way you set the eggs...good luck buddy...
  5. bore dda butty...what part you from ???? :welcomeani:
  6. before i confuse you, typing error, transmitters/locators......i just mean collars...mustve been in my head from the replys above....subconciousness is a terrible thing eh....good luck
  7. the terrier transmitters i have are a lot bigger than the ferret locators and wouldnt recomend cutting down a terrier locator to fit a ferret...you will find that it will catch the net every time the ferret tries to pass under and will also be too bulky on a small jill...you can pick up collars for about 30 quid and there was a guy selling new ones for 35 but they were only 8 footers and he had a few call backs on the last batch...(think he was rushing to meet demand)up rhondda way...good luck with your search and keep in mind that if your going to buy new then the mk 3 collars will work fine
  8. i just want to take the time out to wish all you antis a very merry christmas and hope that you spend boxing day with your families and loved ones...this way you can leave all the decent proper countryfolk get on with the things in life that your pathetically small bunny hugging brains cant even begin to comprehend...anyway, merry christmas...
  9. i had a patterdale which i could 100 percent trust not to even look at chickens ducks turkeys sheep goats cows or horses but would kill a cat in a heartbeat...she was farm reared with the old man, done everything expected and died 3 weeks ago of old age at 17..she was brilliant with other dogs as long as they were good with her but put many a big bully on their backs including a very large alsation whimpering like a bitch...(even the dogs owner laughed at the site of what happened)but as i say was never a problem around other dogs...as has been said, you just have to have enough time and disci
  10. another thing to think of is the hard ground....like playing rugby on tarmac......
  11. should give the antis plenty of choice then.......
  12. hello hagar, didnt know you had one off lee...was it out of bullseye by any chance ?????
  13. nice pics timjim...look very lakey type dont they...cant beat a bit of welsh in you........
  14. do yourself a favour...ignore all the oppinions on here...get yourself out with a few irish guys and watch their dogs work...when you see a few different crosses work then you will make up your mind...theres no rush and 4 mts looking about will seem nothing compared to the right dog for the next 15 yrs...
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