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Everything posted by slyfox-mal

  1. hi guys recently i got my new air rifle and i have been doing alot of ratting but most the rats are now dead or moved on . So im doing loads of target shooting to try to improve my aim at different distances but its so boring shooting at the same target time after time. so i now take two dice with me and set up 6 targets at different ranges from ten yards to 35 yards all over my allotment each target has six circles on it all different sizes from 1/4 inch to 2 inches. so heres how i work it dice one picks the target and dice two picks the size on the target . it makes life more intre
  2. lol ive had a couple dozen more since then but still at em cheers mal
  3. no worries mate and welcome to the site cheers mal
  4. no problem mate i wasnt moaning just id not take a fox with an air rifle thats all each to there own mate all the best mal
  5. there are plenty of ideas in the living off the land section on rabbits not to sure about the you tube item youre posting id never try taking a fox with an air rifle but thats just me cheers mal
  6. no its not an ambi stock however im left handed and i can use it without many problems but you can get a beech stock in left handed but not the wallnut one like mine
  7. tx200 great rifle mine is the hunter carbine version in .22 i love it cant go wrong really quality make
  8. hurry back mate we will keep you're seat warm for ye
  9. hi guys it has a asimple silencer fitted as standard its called a Plenum insert i know blackpool air rifles sell silencers for this rifle as they are listing them there is an internal thread on the hc that the plenum insert screws into im really just wondering if anyone has used a different silencer to compare things to tell the truth my son was plinkining with this rifle and i was not far from the targets and all i really heard was the fizz of the pellet and not a lot from the rifle so maybe ive just answered my own questions lol cheers mal
  10. hi guys is it worth fitting a silencer to my tx200 hc or would the cost not be worth the result ? and if so which would you recommend useing ? thanks mal
  11. its says that it fits almost all shotguns and rifles fitted mine perfectly tx200hc
  12. ok guys here is where i got mine from http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=180245322015 i just noticed the postal charges for this is very cheap compared to all his other listings so id get it quick before he notices his mistakes cheers mal
  13. yep and for £6.49 posted i think they worth it
  14. lol there is no way id let it go without a fight anyhow but i thaught that maybe its a good idea to fit a trigger lock when youre not useing youre rifle and maybe it could save an accident from happening cheers mal
  15. lol cheers lads the gerden is about a mile away
  16. yes mate i ride to my garden its my only mode of transport apart from walking
  17. i dont have any land mate i only shoot over my allotment ( garden ) cheers mal
  18. hi guys the other night on the way home i thaught i was going to get mugged for my rifle now i ride a bike and dont drive so i have my gear on my back. as i was rideing up the cycle path i noticed three lads about 20 drinking cheap wine they clocked my slip and up there hoods went and i thaugh oh f*ck here we go they going to try to roll me for this lot . now ok id be gutted if my gear wwhere robbed off me but id be devastated if it was used to shoot some kid so the first thing i did when i got home was order a trigger lock from the auction site. now ok i know its not going to stop th
  19. magpies are most definatley no 1 on my hit list i hate them with a vengence
  20. cheers lads and gilly im not finding the weight a problem at all now im getting used to it in fact i think its a bit of a bonus seems to cut down the recoil a bit and i dont tend to walk about much im more of a sit and wait bloke i do more ambush shooting than owt else cheers mal
  21. ye i know made sure it was dead before i moved it lol wearing latex gloves as always cheers mal
  22. hi guys been out again doing some more practice with the tx 200 felt alot better tonight shooting wise been doing some practice at holding over and under with it and when i felt happy with the results i decided to do a bit more ratting heres the results that big sow was happy dragging straw into her hole till i hits her square in the head and bingo not even a squeek i measured her and shes 17 inches from nose to tip of her tail one big moofoooooooo lol cheers mal
  23. cheers coney mate you can always get good words of encouragement from you thanks mal
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