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Everything posted by Spring

  1. So Sorry to hear about your dog, wishing you ATB. I would just like to ask what electrolytes people use, as I would like some in my dog kit. Spring
  2. Also Sussex longdogs @ www.sussexlongdogs.org.uk Spring
  3. Have a look at the British Sighthound Field Association website @ www.lurecoursing.org.uk We run our Deerhounds and there are lots of other sighthounds. Not sure about lurchers, I do know they can run but not sure about competition Spring
  4. And what are these dogs going to turn out like? Not just health problems but also temperament. I knew a Chinese Crested once and it was a very vicious dog. Even after it had it's knacks chopped off it was still very dominant. Had to be PTS in the end. May have been down to bad owner but even so. Must agree though a pointless animal and some people have more money that sense.
  5. Thanks for all the nice comments. She is just within the standard for a bitch (she's 29 inches I think) I like the smaller bitches, some are a little 'wolfhound' imho. I will see If I can find one of my boy, again loves to lure course but a very different beast when after something live! Spring
  6. Here's a pic of one of my deerhounds lure coursing. She does it for fun, very different when after the bunnies!
  7. Great looking dog Jolly Poacher, and starting to look like a 'proper' Deerhound, like those of old. ATB Spring
  8. Hi LurcherLass Where do you get your food from, I use Landywoods and The Dog Food Company. It then all goes in the freezer and I thaw as needed. ATB Spring
  9. Hi all. If feeding raw, how often should you worm? At the mo am worming and tick/flea treating every 3 months. Thanks in advance for your help. Spring
  10. Hi there We have recently changed feeding our Deerhound from a complete feed to a Raw meaty bone diet. He gets chicken carcasses, minced chicken with bone, Tripe, Turkey necks and wings, lamb ribs and brest of lamb. He gets a mixture of things each day but always has 1 or 2 carcasses. The question is his poos, they are very 'dry' to the point that today he was howling when trying to 'go'. Are we giving too much bone? Should we be doing anything else? He is loving the food, put on some much needed weight and looks great so we really don't want to go back to a complete food. Any ideas or sugges
  11. We fed our two Deerhounds on Burns and it was very good up to a point. The dogs ate it okay but they just didn't look right. We recently changed onto RAW diet and the difference is plain to see. Cleaner teeth, no smelly breath and they are filling out a bit. Our 12 month old just loves it and they look so much better. ATB Spring.
  12. Our vet charges about £55 for an x-ray. Have been with her for years, knows loads about hounds and their problems/issues. Spring
  13. Thanks for all the replys, will be contacting the suppliers very soon. Spring.
  14. Hi there we are changing our dogs feeding from dry to raw and are looking for suppliers (other than supermarkets) in Hertfordshire or the surrounding area. Does anyone here know any? Thanks in advance. Spring
  15. Got to agree about the size thing. Some of the Deerhounds I see in the ring look more like wolfhounds!
  16. Same thing happened with my Deerhound cross. Cleaned it up, used a starties tube, open ended and powder. Don't know if the moden shaped ones wil do the job though.
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