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About kello29

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 28/05/1993

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  • MSN

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Australia, NSW
  1. thanks fellas.... for takin the micky outa me. i was told it is instinct. I just kinda wanna get him ready. pipes would be alright i suppose.
  2. G'Day im from Australia have a very energetic hob and would like to give him a go at ferreting. The intention was when i got him to get him into this, it is now the begining of summer, so i have to wait for next winter to i can really take him out (it's to hot really). Anyway i would just like to know some of the equipment and what methods you use to train your ferret to bolt rabbits. Thanks.
  3. kitten food and a little bit of mince. i give the kitten food in the morning with the mince and kitten food at night by itself. But mate i recommend that you research a bit.
  4. thanks for the add mate

  5. what part of NSW you from kello? Tamworth
  6. dude it must suck having a ban over there!!
  7. sorry, i haven't got them yet im getting them in 3 weeks. I have a temporary box which is big enough for them too sleep and nest in, but i need ideas on how to build a bigger hutch. sorry for any inconvinience. Don't be sorry mate, the fact that you are asking for help and idea's show's me your willing to learn. here's my small court i made last summer. great!! i love it you know the sleeping bit.. im making something very similar to that at the moment i think im gonna go with your design cause mum won't let me have any more then 2 im just gonna build something where they hav
  8. sorry, i haven't got them yet im getting them in 3 weeks. I have a temporary box which is big enough for them too sleep and nest in, but i need ideas on how to build a bigger hutch. sorry for any inconvinience.
  9. Post yours. I made a box at school for them to sleep in which is a temporary place as i will have to let them out everyday. so please post yours or some links to good ones i can make.
  10. Well there is not much you can say when it comes to this. I trying to get into the hunting scene aswell but i think it is a sociable thing such as in Australia i can take 1 or 2 of my mates out for a weekend of ferreting. Just tell her it would mean alot to you. But before you get it i suggest you do some research with your mum thats what i did with my mum and im making a box right now and they should be here in 3-4weeks!! best of luck
  11. Hey people im from Tamworth NSW im gettin ferrets soon i basiclly just joined about to weeks ago thought i would just read an article then got addicted anyone near me have a yarn im gonna be posting bit more when i get me ferrets. Thanks p.s seems like a great site!!
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