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About Straightline

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    Born Hunter

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  1. Have run plenty of Jack Rabbits in Canada, Manitoba and loads of browns all over the UK. Can honestly say that Jacks are a lot harder to catch on average than your brown hare and some of them are huge dwarfing the size of the average brown hare, more gas too. I was running dogs out of Smokey and Captain.
  2. Lets just say this. Good luck catchin a white tail with a dog unless the situation is way in your dogs favor and catching a pronghorn aint friggin happening unless something goes drastically wrong for the goat. Thanks for the reply. I've always wondered about Pronghorn. They said that the Blackbuck of India was uncatchable but I think some pure saluki's caught them by a war of attrition. How would, say, a greyhound compare to a whitetail, speedwise? thanks JD I took two dogs out from Wales to Manitoba, Canada and run Jack rabbits, the one bitch coming from Maxhardcore with Captai
  3. Sod you mate you should try taking a hit off her Im not holding that thing when I come out with you again!
  4. Yuck at least the dog is more photogenic than you! Have 2 go out soon when the wounded soldier is better! Though with being stuck in work all over xmas Bellas fat as a pudding. Speak soon.
  5. Well I knew there was a bunch of nutters on here but it looks like its endemic to here :11: :11: I've found home at last!!!
  6. Good for you Joe for making sure your dogs are sorted with the insurance. Im sure shell get better and you'll have some more good days with her.
  7. Sylvia and Hughes for me. Both got too much power.
  8. Feel for you mate. Though I would say 8 weeks is not a cert. My dog broke his foot and went into a cast. He had that on for 4 weeks, then was bandaged heavily first week after the cast was off which was reduced over the following 2-3 weeks. During that time I lead walked him only. Once he had no support, his muscle wastage was noticeable but more importantly the tendons become very weak so that he couldnt put his foot down. He limped on 3 legs for a week before putting it down and I would say its now 5 weeks after cast off and he still not good enough to work. I would say that he has an
  9. My old lamping partner had two long haired bitches from a guy in norfolk who bred norfolk lurchers about 15 - 20 years ago and it may well have been him. He said this guy was a right odd ball lived in the middle of nowhere. Best dogs he ever had he said. Both rough haired standing around 25/26. Worked both on the same lamp without slips. He would tell which one to run and they would.
  10. Blitz every time though I'm running with a 170 at the moment. Most lamps are o.k for bunnies but if you want to do anything else, its the blitz
  11. Yes their xenon phenophot last time i checked. They're the same lamps that are used in overhead projectors which is what they're produced for mainly. Theres a bit more to saying that a lamps effectiveness is down to wattage or type. Heres a link, have a look yourself. My Webpage
  12. As previously said its in the name. Done it 20 years agoe when I went up there as a 16year old with some Cwmbran guys and yes it was crawling and yes they were dull. Id like to see the same dog catching regular up that way come to S.Wales and catch, it would have a shock. The first night there I put the lamp on before we nipped into Wick for a few beers and the field lifted, literally. Think of your best field then add some and the field was like that (and the surrounding area). I let my bitch go and she was running from one to another with excitement. Suffice to say we had some fun ther
  13. Sorry to hear that. We all know with dogs that these things can happen, but it doesn't make it any easier does it. I would if it was up my way King but its 1hr 30 mins away and I darent go there in day light lol. If it happened around where I am which is same place as Turk from here is, then I would have thought it was the magic mushrooms as they're due out and we are in one of the most productive areas for them. I'd have to say though the bitch is not the type of dog that scavenges and forages, shes quite 'picky' you know? Not to say we she wouldnt I suppose though.
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