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Everything posted by johnskevena

  1. He looks a happy man with his pup Jigsaw. Tell him i said if he stopped wasting his money buying them cork jerseys he would have the price of another pup saved. :whistling:
  2. johnskevena

    New longnet

    In that picture mole catcher there is a notch cut out of the hazel. Why do you cut the notch in the hazels sticks for ? Never seen that done before
  3. A bit of black pudding and a block of cheese.Always have some in the bag when out in the countryside :yes:
  4. She is a little cracker. Best of luck with her
  5. I see you are back with us again Frank as a moderator :gunsmilie: You must be up there now with Michael Jordan with all your comebacks :lol: Good to have you back
  6. From my experience Ditch the hare seem to breed close to all year round.I am stuck in the running of a coursing meeting which runs this weekend and every year after the meeting is finished we release every hare from the paddocks but without fail every year around christmass you will find a few young hares the size of rabbits inside in the paddocks that we searched through with a fine tooth comb and were not seen by us when releasing the adult hares. I also do a good bit of netting for hares and we start in september and it would surprise you how many hares we catch that are rearing or in youn
  7. Maybe your body would be in its prime in the earlier years but I personally think that it the experience you have and learn from that will serve you the best and they happen over time so age really does not matter in my opinion so Jigsaw there is hope for you still
  8. Roughly where in Ireland are you mate ?
  9. Well done :clapper: I did not think ye would do it
  10. Just my hob back in with the jills yesterday. Will be watching them tighter this coming year as i had a unplanned litter of kits on the 11th of march this year 4 weeks after i seperated them
  11. It is a pity the licence plate of the car wasnt seen by your son. Then something could have been done by the authorities with the prick
  12. Good to hear your dog is on the mend Jigsaw Wont be showing Gypsy anything till around the Christmass. She is nearly there with her training just have to work on her retrieve to hand. She is coming back with her dummy but does circles around me with it but i can sit her down and she gives it to me.Will get there in the end with her. She wont make a ferreting dog as she wont tolerate the ferrets at all but sure we will have plenty of fun together on the lamp Just got to break her out of the habit of running full speed in to me and knocking me over as my hip cant take any more belts of he
  13. Well done guys Meeting the French Whats odds would you have got this morning for both England and France winning?????
  14. She is off a greyhound/saluki/collie put to a greyhound/collie. She is the pup i got off Jigsaw She hasnt seen anything yet put that will change in the next few months She is very obiedient although she has not quite got the hang of retrieving to hand yet but we are working on it
  15. I have watched a lot of titles on ferrets and ferreting Canberra Stu and have never watched one that showed details of the building of the wire burrow trap or building an underground maze but i am sure if there is one out there with this info someone on here will have seen it and let you know
  16. Have you gone to collect the rabbits from ecker yet old man? Stick up a picture of them when you get them looking forward to seeing the job he has done on them
  17. The eye candy on our little journey today jigsaw is after going to your head i think :yes:
  18. Shot 39 by the end of the night and that was only in two fields by his house so hopefully there will be some fun there with ferrets come September .No one seems to know where he is mate :blink:
  19. Went checking out some new ferreting ground last night we have got for the coming season and the farmer wanted us to clear some rabbits with the rifle as they are at his garden and shot this rabbit It is in the freezer for you Jigsaw. Will look nice besides your black one when you get them stuffed.
  20. Thanks for going to the trouble of finding that interesting piece of reading for us Ditch :clapper: Have been surfing the web since reading it and been reading a bit about Homoeopathic Treatment and Nosode use in canines and was wondering if any one on hear that have used these treatments and methods on thier dogs could share there thought and experiences about them
  21. Have bolted foxes twice while out ferreting and they were both inside in warrens with holes that i thought a fox would not fit in but if i knew they were there i would not have entered the ferrets
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