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The one

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Everything posted by The one

  1. maybe its all strange to her and thats why she timid let her settle over the summer and see how see gets on
  2. Another great first post on a form where everybody's after the same thing . Then would you let somebody you have never met walk about your garden with a fire arms ? . Far better knocking on doors and letting them see you , then will you contribute to the form after your first post ?. Think out side the box mate
  3. Had too google him to see who he was but is it no just to claim 5 minutes of fame
  4. we can only hope , but theres still plenty to spend the tax payers money
  5. Hello and welcome mate you might get some good advice about your dog on here
  6. You have to wait till his nuts drop to get him snipped , then he has to stay away from the jills for a set period till his revivor is empty then tried on one jill to see if the operations worked it all takes time
  7. Well nobody's going to see your post mate its in the wrong section and there's no location how far you will travel ?.
  8. Hello and welcome mate . looks a nice pup
  9. nice going just tree rats
  10. The one

    Pet hates.

    Aye often i feel like saying its no a library LOL
  11. Aye all the bulbs are well threw and it was minus 10 last week
  12. The one

    Pet hates.

    My pet hates are old c*nts standing blethering at the front door or in the aisles of a store whilst i am shopping . Or barstools who pick every book up in a charity shop and start to read them all them put them back then leave with out with out buying feck all , Then when i catch up with the wife she says where you been
  13. I would check the date of these posts mate
  14. Hello and welcome mate
  15. Hello and welcome mate ask that question in the air gun section where more folk with a clue will see it
  16. Hello and welcome mate
  17. Take them out the collars after every outing but i used them from September till new year then threw them and use fresh ones till i finish in April
  18. Hello and welcome mate , i have Hawke scopes on all my airguns and they work fine and are not too expensive
  19. Aye i clocked the reply as well i wonder how many never check the date of posts
  20. Heard somebody saw him bolting rabbits to the dogs and phoned the cops , cant do sod all here no no snares allowed and you need a licence for a airgun
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