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Everything posted by wullielennox

  1. good vidio clip mark for your first attempt keep them coming
  2. very nice fish what weight was the sea trout estimate...4 1/2 lb
  3. have a BUMP on me SJM.. hope you get a good working home for the pup
  4. No offence but tht looks like a staffy.
  5. HAVE a bump on me n good luck in getting them working homes
  6. WHY WOULD SJM KNOW? See the cover on r d a the dog with the white hare r blue hare that was on SJM permission,,happy now
  7. WHY WOULD SJM KNOW? IF im correct SJM is in the book
  8. Put it this way all puppy owners the more there out the more they pic up things in the fields,,,,,NOT LEARN FECK ALL IN THERE KENNEL get them out as often as ye can,it'll pay in the long run..
  9. Class animal was captain no dout they'll be some fecking idiot claming it was a cocker.
  10. Am afraid im not a bull x lover,,,but there something about your dog a like not to much bull in it and you've got it looking minted credit to you!!hope he performs the way he looks..
  11. Check boysfaytheblackstuff matey his misses keeps parsons he could tell you bits and pieces about that breeding
  12. Dont think so SJM could tell you better mate i read that book a few years back VERY GOOG READING.. well worth the getting if you could get a hold a 1
  13. Most things go out the window when theres another dog for your pup to play with...if your referring to training this is best done one to one as you could undo all the good work you have done with another dog being there. True rearing pups and training them is best taking 1 a time ,because if you've done all your retreving n stuff then take both out together it seems as if everthing you've done way them seems to go out the window,,,,n turns into a tug off war contest n you dont want that,,good luck.....TRUE statment undisputed..
  14. My 10mth old pups r doin a bit the now on mossy land the grass fields r to hard need a good bit a rain to soften the fields a bit not long before it's all go..
  15. good pleased to hear that, keep me updated on its progress. what about you when u starting the season? been out with me pups a few times now thats them 10mth so when the rain comes n the ground gets a little softer it's get on time matey. good give me a shout one night i will boost over. not a problem tonza,will do matey.
  16. good pleased to hear that, keep me updated on its progress. what about you when u starting the season? been out with me pups a few times now thats them 10mth so when the rain comes n the ground gets a little softer it's get on time matey.
  17. tonza a friend a mine bought the last a that litter early on, a wee topper if a didn't have what i've got a would have had it me self..
  18. think shawfield is the only one going here now mate the one in Carfin is now a housing estate....and your right a night out at the dogs was great entertainment. shawfields an NGC track mate not a flapping track. Think armadale's closing down soon there building house's there to a think think armadale in midlothians still open mate. when i was younger i went to the greyhounds with my dad mostly shawfield, then he stopped keeping them, hes recently got back into it with a dog he bot from ireland its only trialing in shawfield just now but iv been watchin it was my first tim
  19. WHAT BREEDING IS SHE thats mine when stripped him out,,lurcherxwhippetxgrew
  20. smashing wee dog had 1 very very similar
  21. Ma eye sights no that good but a was down personal a few days ago n saw the pups there bred off my old dog floyde and MM good bitch good breeding, n also his other 2 do a job as i've seen them work :victory:as we go out way dogs if ye get the drift.his brindle dogs got the lungs to run on fen land.
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