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Everything posted by wullielennox

  1. well ?? were you not asking benny to take you out for runs..? so you will be the silent one im afraid,,what benny's retreived up till now you'll be lucky to get them from now to end a feb..
  2. good lamping conditions,loads a places are a live at night and most times poor daytime
  3. turning sour again,, no ones aloud to breed there own stuff,there always some people way snide remarks,,its only dogs chill out people,we all want good dogs, so am trying my way and see what happens,,
  4. wel done,,a see they like there comfort...
  5. she did that when puppy,,all part a learning to mouth and retrieve she speaks for herself you no,,
  6. she did that when puppy,,all part a learning to mouth and retrieve
  7. cheers keano for the pic off your phone mate
  8. more world beaters ill have the one that looks like floyd (mayweather) all gone
  9. more world beaters and they are not even born yet.ill have the one that looks like SUPER bantit. it's a lucky bag mate way pups,hope they are world beaters who no's
  10. pepe's mother was out lucky,,xderby winning greyhound,floyds mother was lurcher x lurcher x whippetxgrewxsalukixgrew..
  11. try and get some pepe pics up soon...
  12. wee bitch due soon and looking well,
  13. well i'll pick my pup up soon out bennys bandit and big piece's bitch witch,puppy learning time again
  14. Ok spankable you did give him advice... But the point I'm trying to make which has obviously went straight over your napper is....sigh..... there is no f*****g need to give advice.... shit happens, dogs actually go out and don't catch anything... it's part of coursing.... I've went fishing, fish rising, right time of night, river on a cast, rising lovely... not a f*****g bite!!! Do I go home and think, f*****g fishing rod, ain't worth a f**k!!! No, it happens. The guy is obviously relatively new to the sport, once he's had several hard seasons under his belt he'll look back and think, see that
  15. Ok spankable you did give him advice... But the point I'm trying to make which has obviously went straight over your napper is....sigh..... there is no f*****g need to give advice.... shit happens, dogs actually go out and don't catch anything... it's part of coursing.... I've went fishing, fish rising, right time of night, river on a cast, rising lovely... not a f*****g bite!!! Do I go home and think, f*****g fishing rod, ain't worth a f**k!!! No, it happens. The guy is obviously relatively new to the sport, once he's had several hard seasons under his belt he'll look back and think, see that
  16. Ok spankable you did give him advice... But the point I'm trying to make which has obviously went straight over your napper is....sigh..... there is no f*****g need to give advice.... shit happens, dogs actually go out and don't catch anything... it's part of coursing.... I've went fishing, fish rising, right time of night, river on a cast, rising lovely... not a f*****g bite!!! Do I go home and think, f*****g fishing rod, ain't worth a f**k!!! No, it happens. The guy is obviously relatively new to the sport, once he's had several hard seasons under his belt he'll look back and think, see that
  17. where did ye run her..??? Asda carpark!! What difference does it f*****g make? I dunno.... The dog misses 3 poxy rabbits and the guy is ready to throw himself off the Erskine all the while the rest of you "experts" are trying to devise whats wrong with the dog lol.... Honestly you couldn't make this up!!! Take a deep breath, relax and think about what you are f*****g saying cos from where I'm sitting... your making a complete erse of yourselves!!! it matters,there better long ears were we live than some places i been to.. :wankerzo4: So its long ears we are talking about now? Surel
  18. very well ran hares are good in november
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