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About abley

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 02/08/1983

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    God knows?
  1. Excellent post mate. How long do you hang a deer before you butcher it, as there seems to be very little blood in the pics.
  2. Good thread this. I've been having some similar trouble myself. Im hoping enough work and more catches will ease the dogs frustration when it does miss
  3. Forgot to say, its completely green wood. It was felled and split last weekend.
  4. Just wondered if anyone on here cuts their own firewood and how long they season it for. I've looked on google and had very varying answers. Ive split a decent sized heap of logs, predominantly oak, and was wondering how long before I should consider burning it. Its stacked under cover and split to the size I burn on our logburner. Thanks for looking
  5. Is there a battery for sale aswell mate
  6. Cheers for that WnI that link was really usefull I should of looked through the site properly before asking I suppose
  7. I ggogled ultimate lamp mate but got all sorts of stuff up. Could you put a link up to the site you meant please. Bull101, yeah thats what i was hoping. Last longer and be smaller and lighter Id of thought.
  8. I think I remember something about LED lamps a while back, but that they didnt give a decent light pattern. Just wondered if anyone knows if theres anyone making decent kits yet with LED's. Just I would expect LED lamps to need a much smaller battery pack. Cheers for looking anyway
  9. Our lasses lab does that cos of its anal gland, but I'd definately get a vet to show you how to do it the first time before you try it yourself.
  10. Nice one scent lol. But earth...that is definately a step too far for me mate
  11. Thanks a lot, thats answered that. I have replaced the trap where i found it. Never noticed anyone around to place the trap. We're away from the footpaths, but i'll keep an eye out. ATB
  12. Got a couple pics here of what I think is a live catch mouse trap which was set on trust land against my fence. Just wondered if anybody can tell me for sure, what it is. Inside it is baited with a chunk of carrot, and there is a bit of hay for bedding I guess. Like i say, the land our garden backs to is local trust woods, so any ideas why you think this trap has been set would be appreciated aswel Thanks
  13. Many thanks, you've been a massive help
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