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Everything posted by shaddow

  1. see all wind and piss stop slagging good dogs off iff you have no evidence.
  2. marcus you talk shit if you had any vid your jealous nature would have put it up. stop shit stirring if you have no proof
  3. not bad for a jacker wining the forley what do you mean ? say what you mean then thomas kmon tell us what you know you have said it twice on two different posts... and i seen you reading this ..
  4. :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm:
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R85tpj8-0o8&list=UUwDCJ4YbuDXFceIeQHPGdmg&index=4&feature=plcp
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4whgTaoik4&list=UUwDCJ4YbuDXFceIeQHPGdmg&index=3&feature=plcp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmBbSxPfirQ&list=UUwDCJ4YbuDXFceIeQHPGdmg&index=9&feature=plcp
  7. think they used a benji x nell dog mate
  8. only 1 man id trust is in the NE known him for years and id bet its the same man Snoops been to
  9. found this link, by sounds of it it a long process! http://www.taranet.co.uk/advice_(osteopathy).htm
  10. ask robert meek , he does dogs and is also doing horses....must be some kind of canine and equine osteopath course
  11. 2 of me mate had bitchs out of hucks brother bin laden, very decent bitchs, Jim feytons kelly is one of them,
  12. Willow is best man to tell you freds breeding on his dams side , but hes out of wolfie x del t bitch i know she out of GC joe x a bitch which is litter sister to JD GHOST is that right Willow?? and may is direct off GC JOE it was darrens bitch dels boy TICH tich was out of rainy x gc joe she was one hell of a bitch had everthing you wanted ghost was rainys sister good animals in there own right cheers mate thought thats how she was bred...
  13. Willow is best man to tell you freds breeding on his dams side , but hes out of wolfie x del t bitch i know she out of GC joe x a bitch which is litter sister to JD GHOST is that right Willow?? and may is direct off GC JOE
  14. what greyhound bitch was it? anything special or just an average ex-track bitch? the bitch is direct off toms the best and a coursing greyhound bitch
  15. well tell him to stay in south shields.english comming up here poaching our stuff lol Erm last time i checked Berwick upon tweed is England...lol thought it was in scotland.it is lol ive worked there a few times.or is that just berwick haha you might be thinking of North Berwick just 20 miles or so south of Edinburgh
  16. well tell him to stay in south shields.english comming up here poaching our stuff lol Erm last time i checked Berwick upon tweed is England...lol
  17. fred holmes has it now, me mate bred it with buddy and the litter are doing well, especially smoothlys dog so ive been told it was bred out of della russ x its son but on the papers it wrongly says amazing pharoah.
  18. wolfie was a very good dog, take a vey good dog to beat him and an even better one when hes running good seen him kill hares in small fields in north yorkshire and of course on the fen atb
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