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Everything posted by shaddow

  1. Just been on telephone to mr g. From what I could understand from his laughing he said X factor is on .edited to say but it nice to be remembered haha
  2. Im otherwise detained haha. As long as your happy bill . Its just when you get preachers who preach but haven't read the bible llol
  3. Haha see homework was partially right cos my good friend shaddow gave jc his password and numerous people used it. So articgun never done his homework properly haha poor mr g always gets the blame.haha probably last post now before ban is imminent . ha ha. For someone whose so opinionated you don't like opinions. Least if this user gets banned I won't have to read your threatening pm haha
  4. Lol mr g. Your so far away keep guessing. So you answer my question would a coo breeder do his homework or not. Or would he take anything in
  5. So you didnt do your homework and haven't since. And if it was anyone else on here who never done there home work about the parentage of there dog ud say they was stupid. Ive seen you do it many times. Im not doing your job for you
  6. Pete bought it I think it was 3. Glad its got a good home now was very nice natured
  7. I seen her run with pete on the flat land of Boston. She was a trier but about 1 out of 10 and we went home more times without her killing. To improve the saluki which you and your mates are saying you trying to do you have to be honest with people but even more so with yourself. Desertbred say middle eastern saluki or coo hounds owners always breed best to best and only gift them to close and trusted friends. I think that's the way you snd your mates should go if your really serious about the saluki. But I think personal reward out weighs the strive to better the blood of the pure saluki. By
  8. My mate pete had garden maiden pure saluki down in Boston . He lined it with cruiseline in the money and he struggled to sell them.so next litter out of garden maiden was sired by a standard poodle which was owned by a lady down the road. And all was sold before they was born. These pups were sold for three times the amount of pures out of her. Garden maiden just a puppy farm bitch
  9. I know of 2 lads who decided to try this x bullx x well bred coursing dog there was no money involved and the coursing dog was sent down and worked by the bullx lads before they used him. Great results was achieved
  10. ive met cp he seems like a nice chappyi met millet once or twice he was a c**t
  11. i was talking to a bloke the other day, he said he bred english fen whippets, and that they were as good on a january hare, as any of the best coursing dogs of the 80s, i told him i doubted it, he said he had caught 8 hares single handed with one back in the days when it was legal, he said he ran them on holbeach, reckons he would match anyone,
  12. here we go again summer madness has struck. challenges been thrown out serious question how many of the men mentioned here have actually had a match come on all dont jump at once.
  13. an what are you doing now passing time .. i seem to have alot of that lately
  14. blew to f**k .. not dogs fault just cant run a decent english hare but it migth be brilliant in ireland. all you irish just argue all time youlot are mad lol but quite funny
  15. Better alrounders yes but some of the staying dogs in england would be very hard to compete with .Again just my opinion yes run a hare into the ground and in my opinion the longer it gos on the worse the dog is because it lecking gears I hunted with a bitch in ireland for 3 seasons never seen her kill a hare single handed and i mean on the bigest land in ireland .Seen her run twice in england first time she killed her first two no problem and her third was a long slip just about got away very luck that hare was pre ban .The second time killed her first no problem and got hurt on her secon
  16. What would you know you where scared to bring your dog over lol There loads hares over here was out on lamp down south the other week and counted easy 30-40 in one field scared shitless u called forley winner a jacker hahah then back tracked
  17. THERE ALWAYS DOGS THAT HAVE DIED OR ARE TOO OLD TO RUN BUT AM GLAD SEE ITS THE ENGLISH MEN THIS TIME HAVING A GO AT EACH OTHER NOW US IRISH CAN SIT BACK AND WATCH THE CRABBING iceman there is a ferretting section you know matey go and teach your expert knowledge on the albino x on there because you know f**k all about coursing
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