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Everything posted by shaddow

  1. shes on her own ...had her lined nearly 4 weeks ago so fingers crossed all went perfect with the mating it was all natural and no handling of ther bitch was required
  2. does it come with a free shell garage aswell
  3. cheap motor , not many of them for sale about best 4x4 ever made them...better than the poxy old shoguns
  4. 90% or more is line bred from cruise of shildon , in the coursing saluki lines
  5. never missed a long ear get real mate not be ing funny but your talking crap thier how would you know ... me cousin ran with the dog last 2 seasons ...hes got a good dog himself that wasnt beaten in a match..won over 20k with him and he rates this dog better ....C.nuttall even used him over one of his bitches
  6. Fred Holmes had a TT x GHOST bitch , he bred it with Charlie....anyone see his bitch run
  7. had her to the vets and shes fine , she is in season and is ready to stand this weekend
  8. but whatever her breeding is she still produced some good running dogs/bitches
  9. kim was bred by a lad called LOP from the NE , her sire is cruise of shildon , and the dam is a lurcher of what breeding am not sure so if shes pure , then there must be some credible pedigree to the dams side and could easily be traced if it was known , but nobody seems to know???????????????????????
  10. no im not worried , she seems healthy , and the blood is normal color , im actually hoping she is in season as i was disapponted last time but shes booked in tomorrow afternoon for a check up
  11. start giving her some goats milk , really good for the pups when the sat lapping too , giver her a carton or 2 a day , get it from any supermarket
  12. the bitch in question is 6 yrs old , last time she came in season she was a bit early , she should have come in end of july/august , but she came in season in early june...so i lined her with a dog , but dog was on old chap and subsequntly the bitch didnt fall pregnant , but i put that down to the dog as failed to produce with another 2 bitches that were lined a week or two before mine...anyway my mother noticed blood near my bitches bed about a week ago and i couldnt see where it had came from , but yesterday i noticded blood in the usual place and shes dripping a bit more heavier now , so it
  13. whats earliest a bitch can come back in season after goin out from the last season ?????
  14. i have a freind in europe with a dogo x greyhound , only around 12months old , but meant to be coming on really well , a lot better than expectd dogos are a little more athletic than say a pitbull , they were bred for the stamina too , so i would reckon a 1st cross dogo/greyhound put back to a good lurcher would possibly produce something really good
  15. Again thanks a lot everyone , im well chuffed and still buzzin i got her back nice and safe thank god she was well looked after
  16. yeah i know mate , cheers and thanks mate
  17. there just kids , no point in takin libertys with a child
  18. shes called star shes bred out of charlie lines (coursing dogs) lol
  19. A litttle while ago around 3 months back , i had a charlie bred bitch pup stolen well this morning i got a phone call to say my mates bull cross pups had been taken last night and the lads that were selling the pups had taken a dog from the same place before , so my mate that got offered the dogs went round gave the lads a bit of a shake and got all the dogs back and the bitch that they sold to a women on the estate where they live , thankfully after about 30 minutes arguing the women kindly and rightly so gave me back the bitch ...she was quite upset but at the end of the day she knew she wa
  20. could you phone keith for me cos ive got no credit and ask him will it kill 5/5on the fen
  21. i like option 3 to mate. i heard splodge packed in nt sure though. Is caspa up for stud. if so how much is stud fee. cheers. caspa is £500.... thanks snoop i think im going to go for caspa or captain. thats if she comes into season. might taker her vets and see when shes next due in. cheers captain would also be around the £500 region if not more , maxhardcore would know bit more casper is probably top stud dog in UK at the moment but hes getting on a bit now £500 Benji is also another popular stud dog , saw some good young uns out of him ,lately , hes also £500
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