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Everything posted by shaddow

  1. Cor blimee u doing any reethes this year ? LOL , there my mates mothers ...thats the little pile , you should se the other side must be 5000 in total !!!!!
  2. George Drake is at Eye near Peterborough .
  3. wat was it about ? did you see it mate,1 bloody hit gary colefield went down like a bag of shit,apparantly about this site and all and dog stealing spoke to GC earlier , he said he was hit on the sly while he was stood with his 11 year old son ...someone told him it was a great big fat bloke with a bald head. Not a bad shot though he laughed LOL me and my wife have known Gary for over 20 years , he isnt on this Huntinglife site , so why would he be involved with this , also he has never stolen a dog ever ..there are a few members on here that will vouch for that including myse
  4. shadei night litter brother to Annies sire , Morning glorie
  5. Is it bred from a jacker??? Only kidden how did you guess , the pups are guaranteed to be 100% show quality , and are also guaranteed to leave the protected hare alone if loose i a field lmao
  6. anyone of the lads who bought pup from me , ill buy all of them back tomorrow if they want to part with them , especially cockers bitch Kizzy so if you fancy takin your money back and a little profit cocker gimme a ring mate
  7. fookin hell i thought someone elses dog would be gettin stick after almost 2 days of it !!!! LOL well as long as im happy with her and the lads that have pups from her are happy thats all that matters , i dont really care what anyone else thinks. as long as people know the truth now they can make there own minds up
  8. what more can i do than , find a desert bred saluki , go abroad see it work and wait till it has pups to another desert bred saluki then go back see the pups and see the saluki run again and make myself happy that she is a good enough import to buy a puppy from? the Dam to my pup is a real good bitch and would put most if not all pures in this country to shame .
  9. atvb chris and why wouldnt i chip in im entitled to the same as you and for what its worth that bitch jacked more times than the town hall clock struck midnight she jacked with alwyn thats why he got shot of it it jacked with bob and gary and jacked in front of fred holmes on a dummy of a hare and it never ran in any forley either so theres one c**t on here and thats you another thing i dont hide behind a multitude of f*****g names either with my mates and dont forget the old saying whats in the hen comes out in the chicks you jumped up twat this thread had nothing to do with Annie ,
  10. there isnt anything i dont know about any of my dogs but do you know everything about your dogs Riohog ????
  11. VEVO AND RIOHOG you both seem clearly annoyed that i have brought fresh desert blood in to the UK ???? so if either of you would like to bitch to my face rather than hide behind a keyboard , your more than welcome to... BOUSSEH AND BOLOUR Sire is Iran import AND DAM is UAE import( United Arab Emirates) both direct from countries mentioned
  12. well said iceman i believe they are of dutch show breeding that have done no more than lure coursing over 400 meters. which is the only coursing done in holland i recently spent 5 years in holland and trust me you dont do no hunting over there. they are very nice dogs admittedly but if they are dutch they are not of w orking stock. Ok Trisha let me educate you a little bit , I have known the breeder for about 5 years and the mother of my pups is from the UAE direct! Also I have seen the mother course on several occassions . Not everyone makes it public they course saluki . But thank yo
  13. spot on vevo. I believe she is the only agouti color pure in the UK
  14. if Carlsberg mafe Salukis they would probably be the best in the world , and this is what they would look like......... Bousseh Bolour
  15. Australian fomula is better ,, and Eukanuba is better than them all
  16. that looks like a shit ferret chris , nice salukis though x

  17. best greyhound or coursing dog vet is in Oldham near manchester Paul Evans easilly get his number of 118247
  18. hes long gone mate , was stud dog in the 90's
  19. I know ben quie well and I bred a litter out of khan, they are 9 months old now and exceeding my expectations 2 other members off here got pups off me and they are more than happy. I would have taken Khan myself if I had the space cos he's a really nice dog And remeber every one best to best doesn't allways work its about the bloodline and khans is a great pedigree Ben had genuine reasons for parting with all his dogs not just Khan but thtas not my business to go into detail about!!!!
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