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About spar1

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 25/12/1909

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    up and down and all around

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  1. spar1

    hard to enter

    he was 590 out the pen ,he responded at 572 he is bomb proof in every way.good following on n everything just sees to lack bottle on live quarry.he is 542 today he wass 555 yesterday ill try him at this weight what do ya think mate ,could he be one of the bottleless birds that are about.
  2. i wish mine wouls scream,n hunt ,rather tan be boms proof in every way bnot put into a rabbit n easy ones at that .
  3. spar1

    hard to enter

    ok lads my male harris is right down on,1lb 3oz still buzzing over the rabbits never had this prob before with any other males i have flown .its getting so i dont want to drop him any more,a pal says take him to 1lb 2oz he is good on a dead rabbit shows but lacks aggression.follows on bang on . my fear is if i take him any lower he will lose any form of fittness left ,breeder said the males he breeds fly around 1lb 8oz im getting a bit stuck any advise please . asap
  4. eh up lads got the hw of birdman and guess what, got tret like a king from his miss gorgeous she looked even better in her full camo underware .next time he has out for sale buy it cause it was well worth the drive .cheers for everthing birdman.........and miss gorgeous x
  5. picked up bitch pup on sat she a cracker have one on me glad ya were happy wi the bitch pup ,the black dogs is going to be a monster. lucky stop feeding ya dogs on burgers n they stay off cattle its all in the diet .educate ya dogs only feed them raynard and bambi
  6. for you lads that pmd me for phone number its here on the first post
  7. bump have still got bitch pup for sale one fawn/red bitch left good strong bone
  8. guess money is tight for every one , who wants a buy one get one tesco style .lol
  9. these pup,s seem to be a bit sticky ,so looks ill have to drop the price there is now 4 left out of the litter of eight .contact me for more details.
  10. pics of my bitch will be on shortly
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