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15 Good

About akton

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter

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    just over there
  • Interests
    Great bit of kit for the Lamper,rifle man,or huntsman in general

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  1. Walton Hospital is no longer do you mean the Walton Center Aintree Hospital
  2. stuff it dm just name them theres too much of that shit going on, not just here but all over,the forums etc... times are bad but you just dont do it. DM Just thought on I have one in my shed you can have it pm me and I will arrange for you to pick it up chester
  3. Afraid fury is well out of his depth,love to see him in MMA would be a good laugh Wonder how long he would last. Maybe fury will go into WWE he seems to like being the center of attention
  4. its not what you know.....but who............
  5. ok thanks for the quick reply can you not place the pup in a cage keep it away from the little fella or has it gone beyond keeping it now
  6. As above 40 gr all day long I have took many fox out using hornday .223 40gr Tikka T3 Nice gun to use
  7. Had a big turnout this morning in Cheshire good atmosphere made up I went The amount of people there on a miseable morning was a suprise
  8. I havent been for some years but this year I might go. anyone else going and which one do you go to Happy xmas fellas have a good one
  9. Do you have the battery and deben charger to make the kit complete
  10. good luck mate, you have to start somewhere ,If I were you I would ebay it
  11. disagree with you there buddy, had quite a lot of crap from these sales,Theres an old saying you pays your money you takes your chance buyer beware
  12. nice shooting ........I agree it was a cold one ,have been doing quite a bit of shooting at the back of the pickup lately ,driving around like the taliban .........so I know what you mean
  13. yep some good stuff ,then they hit you with 20% vat and buyers premium
  14. I can vouch for the cz 455 thumbhole have used one ,lovely gun and shoots clover groups time after time brilliant choice for the price
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