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Everything posted by DaveK

  1. As this intelegent man say. Yes we can all make mistake This is all i say .Thank you to black lab e Groach . :whistling: :whistling: :whistling: :whistling: :whistling:
  2. I heard that as well. I got the impression that they're getting a bit naffed of with people who think they have a right to enter anyones land and do what they like. Well what goes around comes around and likely there'll be a lot of dogs either put down or more likely thrown to stray out because they're no use any more and still need to be fed. What about the idiots who stray on to peoples land and pepper foxes with .22LR/shotguns from stupid distances? I know as many shooters that stray as dogmen in my local area, with rifle & shotgun. Lets not turn this into another dogmen vs shoot
  3. I heard that as well. I got the impression that they're getting a bit naffed of with people who think they have a right to enter anyones land and do what they like. Well what goes around comes around and likely there'll be a lot of dogs either put down or more likely thrown to stray out because they're no use any more and still need to be fed.
  4. not if you have been reloading your own remember Nothing to stop you entering loaded batches onto your ticket to show usage. I used to do that prior to having an open ticket. Bear in mind you still have to justify use at renewal as well.
  5. I think that's been said several times but it's so SOOOOOOOOOOO important. NEVER shoot at a pair of eyes, as the lamper that shot a man with night vision goggles watching badgers found out. Luckily noone died but it was down to shooting at a pair of eyes. ALWAYS identify the quarry beyond ANY doubt before putting your finger on the trigger.
  6. Remove the bipod? Surprising how much one of them can affect the balance.
  7. We sat in the landy one night lamping a fox but my gut feeling was something not right. Height above ground was right, colour was right, blink was right but something was wrong. My mate kept saying its a fox, shoot it but I wasn't happy. 45 minutes later I realised it was a roe laying down watching us. It would have been so so easy to pull that trigger. On the issue of eye colour. It can depend on whether you're using white light or coloured filters as to what you see.
  8. Looks like we're related then. Our max's grandad is Drakeshead Garth and I recognise a lot of the line as being similar to his. Not as much red on his though. Best of luck. I have some pups advertised elsewhere. In fact, looking at Max and Meg's papers many of the names on your pedigree are on theirs. Might be kissing cousins.
  9. It's the usual thing with laws and the like. They're so ambiguous that nobody except for them that drew them up understand what they actually mean. Just think of the utter confusion if they were to turn the DSC's into NVQ's.
  10. That was you they saw me with Claude. :crazy: :crazy: :oops:
  11. Not so sure about the night shooting where deer are concerned. Even with a good solid kill shot there's a chance of losing the beast if it runs. So without a dog, and I wouldn't take a dog out at night if shooting, you're really limited where finding it is concerned. Each to his own I suppose but I'd not be very keen.
  12. Yeah but you're from gods country so that's different :angel: Oh bugger, and i was feeling all confrontational aswell So if thy int from Wakey then :boxing:
  13. http://ukvarminting.com/forums/index.php? http://www.shootforum.com/forum/index.php?...8cee27c699cd4ac http://www.deerstalker.net/
  14. Then got reincarnated on a variety of internet shooting forums as Markbivvy :whistling:
  15. Yeah but you're from gods country so that's different :angel:
  16. Maybe if you weren't so aggressive in replying to posts you'd get a more polite response. Now go and find it for yourself :wankerzo4: I asked BASC and it still applies apparently WHEN ..... see email below from BASC and note the date..but regardless of when they told you, the Government makes the laws in this country not the BASC!! But making the assumption that you're the expert in these matters and not the BASC deer department, I'll bow to your superior knowledge. Good cop out...but I can't help thinking I wasn't the cocky git telling me I was stupid and to "catch up"
  17. Maybe if you weren't so aggressive in replying to posts you'd get a more polite response. Now go and find it for yourself :wankerzo4: I asked BASC and it still applies apparently But making the assumption that you're the expert in these matters and not the BASC deer department, I'll bow to your superior knowledge.
  18. I run my 1995 defender 300tdi 110 on a 50/50 mix veg oil from Makro and diesel. No probs at all except the need to change fuel filter more often. An older landy is robust enough to handle it. Dunno about TD5's and the like though. The other problem is that every time you stop you get a queue of kids after a bag of chips. :tongue4:
  19. DaveK


    Can't find anything by lincs sniper but try this one? http://www.airgunbbs.com/forums/showthread...;highlight=QB78
  20. No wind up and brilliant chat . I had a chat with BASC about shooting marauding deer out of season and was told to be very careful as you'd have to justify beyond any reasonable doubt why sufficient couldn't be dealt with during the season. My problem is a farmer who has a lot of Roe eating his crops and so need thinning out. No question of night shooting, I couldn't justify it and wouldn't want to anyway but during the day, and only on the specific fields being damaged I can legally shoot marauding deer. But, and its a big but, now I'm not keen on doing it based on the advice
  21. try 55gn V-Max with 22.3gn Viht n-133. Works well in Lorraines Remy 700.
  22. No wind up and brilliant chat . I had a chat with BASC about shooting marauding deer out of season and was told to be very careful as you'd have to justify beyond any reasonable doubt why sufficient couldn't be dealt with during the season. My problem is a farmer who has a lot of Roe eating his crops and so need thinning out. No question of night shooting, I couldn't justify it and wouldn't want to anyway but during the day, and only on the specific fields being damaged I can legally shoot marauding deer. But, and its a big but, now I'm not keen on doing it based on the advice
  23. I'm with Claude Bivvy. Viht n-133 but with 55gn v-max. Load it up with 22gn and see if it works for you.
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