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Everything posted by langouroux

  1. the abve is right! i had to do the same with a wellington boot once with my working mastiff! the final straw was he went through my £140 hand made leather boots...enough is enough! sometime thw old ways are the best if a little harsh!
  2. Hi mate, I have a Tikka T3 lite in 6.5x55, i use 140g federal power shock ammo, a wildcat compat mod, a hawke niteeye 6.5-20 x 50 scope. Originally i had .308 on my ticket and i decided to go to the 6.5 for the following reasons: I tried a few .308's and did really like them...mainyl becuase i learnt to shoot with 6.5x55 so if it aint broke don't fix it! the 6.5x55 is a a relatively flat shoot caliber it is a great foxing and stalking rifle, it doent blow foxes to pieces and is more than capable of handle large Red Deer. the tikka action is way more slick than some
  3. if you need a cheap option, i bought this lamp 2 years ago and i have only just managed to brake it! cut off the cigarette lighter end, attatch 2 spade connectors and put them straight to a clulite battery or a motobike battery...job done! i got a second hand 12v alarm battery and i think my set up was about £30! http://www.sportsmanguncentre.co.uk/product/964b1a801272fa1517362664/NIGHTBLASTER+lamp/
  4. same here! I don;t clean my 6.5x55 tikka T3 either! nor do any of my mates!
  5. thanks for all the replies...one of my mates saw a badger in an adjacent field recently, so either that or the vixen i guess. much appreciated.
  6. Hello boys and girls. To cut a long story short: last night, the dogs were going mad around 1am. So grabbed the lamp and rifle as our rubbish has been ripped open every tnight recently. First field revealed a fox cub...which looked to be stalking my cat!! Not sure if it was but it was only about 20 yards from the cat watching it intently! squeak squeak and in comes Charlie ... bang, one less fox to worry about. walked down to check it was definitely dead as I took it with the .22lr, once confirmed dead by putting another one in the skull and touching the eye (I always do this now as
  7. i know a couple of people who have met this guy....and according to them he is as starange as he seems! welcome to cornwall!
  8. this company do something similar but its not as good: http://www.bushwear.co.uk/nostyles.php?ProductID=348302&ClassID=139
  9. matt - do you know much about these vehicles? someone saud they had a low and high range gear?
  10. yer mate it is! can;t wait to use it, its runs fine and is fecking quick! just needs some TLC and a couple of cables etc maybe an oil change
  11. hahaha yo mean his quad accident or the bitting heads off animals!
  12. yer mate, i needs some work here and there but it runs lovely! chuffed!
  13. picked this up today for £350 should be fun!
  14. Hi boys & girls, I have a Zabala 16 guage SBS double trigger, it has just had a £50 service from helston gunsmiths, and is a lovely little gun. this is what they are going for on guntrader: http://www.guntrader...080912162157115 seems expensive! i put a for sale advert up on THL but have no idea what is a fair price???
  15. Lee - as above you will need a "large game meat hygiene license" for selling venison, this comes as part of your DSC level one, but can be taken separately. There are plenty of people out there shooting deer and supplying to game dealers that don't have their DSC / meat hygiene ...but they will have to provide the "pluck" for inspection by a vet. I also opted to take the "small game meat hygiene license" this covers you for everything from rabbit to venison and everything in between. As "trained" hunters we are only allowed to shoot, gut / clean and skin the animal......no butche
  16. hey ross - a chain saw engine? sure its not a leaf blower mate? thats what most people use!
  17. does any one know where i can get one of these? or does any one have a spare they can sell me? cheers langouroux
  18. Hi boys & girls, I have a Zabala 16 guage SBS double trigger ejector for sale, it has just had a £50 service from helston gunsmiths, and is a lovely little gun. this is what they are going for on guntrader: http://www.guntrader.co.uk/GunsForSale/080912162157115 however any sensible offer will be considered. can meet people interested in it anywhere in devon or cornwall, maybe somerset & dorset as well depending on where i am working. rob 07772 112103 SGC holders only!
  19. got apic of the last one mate? is it a bitch or dog?
  20. If you know of anyone in the area with a whippet bitch in season you would be welcome to use my collie x over her and take a pup-might even have one myself! PS the ferrets are doing great! atb storm cheers stormy - im going to have ferrets next season myself by the look of things. we'll have to get out when ferreting season starts. might even have my lurcher pup by then, it'd be good for him to get some experience before i start running him, don't wanna over do it and break the fellas heart.
  21. the mastiff is a part time worker / running dog of sorts. yes he has seen work in the past not a lot, but a few outings her and there. thre is other people on here who have mastiffs working as well mate. and retrieving to hand! mie is Aalano espanol x rustic neapolitan bu there is pure breed bullmastiffs that work on here to. I saw the topic of the first cross mastiff x grey now that i think of it. would you be tempted to go this way? I would love to have enough experience with running dogs to be able to comment - but I don't to be honest! But what I can tell you is this:
  22. awesome rifles mate I own one my self this is my set up: cz 452 style running RWs subsonic ammo - although I will change to Winchester next time I buy, as I’m convinced it has more knock down power. AGS 3-9 x 40 scope Harris swivel bi-pod and a 10 shot mag to come shortly zero'd at 50 yards shoot out to 75 off sticks comfortably. HOWEVER - if I was to buy again i would buy second hand, its virtually impossible to shoot the barrel out on these rifles, and as i wanted a fox / deer rifle I should have bought my .22LR second hand and saved the cash for my centrefire. if y
  23. the mastiff is a part time worker / running dog of sorts. yes he has seen work in the past not a lot, but a few outings her and there. thre is other people on here who have mastiffs working as well mate. and retrieving to hand! mie is Aalano espanol x rustic neapolitan bu there is pure breed bullmastiffs that work on here to. I saw the topic of the first cross mastiff x grey now that i think of it. would you be tempted to go this way? I would love to have enough experience with running dogs to be able to comment - but I don't to be honest! But what I can tell you is this:
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