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Everything posted by langouroux

  1. Hi guys i have 2 hobs just over a year old, i haven't worked them yet but i am planning to this winter...but i have heard that jill's are much better workers, is this true?
  2. also here is a link to the impala i shot http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2d8qn2v&s=5
  3. thanks for all the posts guys much appreciated - and some food for thought - i think the point is i didn't give up i was ridiculously ill and i still decided to go because i just couldn't help myself and i'm so glad i did cos its the kick in the ass i needed. as for the trip to Africa i'm very lucky to have friends out there so all i have to pay for is my flights etc and i now know a very good PH who offers everything from fishing right through to cape buffalo bow hunting....so if anyone would like his details then it would be a pleasure. peace.
  4. a year ago I went to Africa....I had been shooting rabbit with my air arms s310 and whilst over there the surf went flat so I decided to go hunting and ended up shooting and lovely little impala...no trophy by African standards but its a trophy to me, I had the skin tanned and sent over as a memento and promised my self I would continue hunting when I got back to Cornwall...after a long slog I found some one that was wiling to teach me to stalk, its about nine months since then, I have been stalking here and there but life was throwing things at me out of my control (redundancy/break ups/movi
  5. cheers guys will do it shortly hope you like my pic when i get it uploaded.
  6. shot my first roe buck 2 days agoa nd really wanna put it on here for people to see...but i just cant seem tp get the pic to upload as its to big arrrgggg! can someone help please?
  7. HI there, was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction of anyone hogging in any shape or form in cornwall, or if anyone can point me in the right direction. many thanks.
  8. Hi there, im a novice pigeon shooter and i'm keen on shooting rabbit with my .22LR I havent done any decoying yet, im in the exeter area on monday, if anyone is going to be shooting let me know i'd love to join you. Rob
  9. yes mate definately i need somone to show me how to decoy and where to put hide etc, im fully set up - or "all the gear and no idea" springs to mind!
  10. Hello guys, i recently bought a shotgun and some of the farmers that i have been shooting rabbits for have asked me to take care of the crow and pigeon situation, if any one out there would like to come and give me a hand (show me how its done!) it would be much appreciated as i havent really shot pigeon before and i'm starting from scratch. and any info, hints, or links wouuld be much appreciated. chers, rob.
  11. here you go mate this is really good website for all air rifle reviews http://www.reviewcentre.com/reviews78099.html
  12. Hi eveyone, I'm really new to this forum and to huting in general so i appoligse in advance if i seem a little clueless...because i am! I am really intersted in deer stalking of any sort, but dont know where to start in cornwall? I'm just applying for all the relevant gun licence's, but to say i'm a novice would be an understatement Is there much hunting / deer stalking in cornwall? I found this website but i cant seem to get in contact with them http://www.cdmcs.co.uk/index.htm anyways any info on hunting and how to get started down this end of the country would be muc
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