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Everything posted by langouroux

  1. for opening up a carcass without puncturing the stomach effortlessly, very sharp. cheers mate, looks like i might have to buy myself a nice new shiny knife!
  2. what is the swingblade for? opening the gut?
  3. OK knives are all down to personal preference here are a few things i personally avoid: lock knives - as they dont always lock wood/bone/leather - not very sterile although tribes all round the world seem to do ok! anything over £50 - £60 because you will cry when you put it down when gutting something and it dissappers like only items you love can! i prefer carbon steel as it is easy to sharpen and holds a good edge and is more flexible, BUT it does rust if you want give it some oil and a bit of TLC now and again. I have laods of knives but the one i take out in the fie
  4. Does anyone own one of these? know if they are any good? Mr Logic dont you have one? can't remember if you like it or not?
  5. i only got signed permission yesterday - and its snowing with no access to the lanes today! gimme a chance! point taken though...thanks everyone will let you know how it goes.
  6. Hello to one and all i hope your all having fun in the snow! so i am fairly new to stalking i have recently completed my dsc LV1 i have shot few deer etc and been shooting .22lr and 12G for a long time. HOWEVER - i have recently picked up some ground and the farmer wants all pests managed including the deer population. the deer are travelling right through his ground wrecking hedges and winter crops etc so he wants them to be controlled...no prolem with that, but he also wants the foxes rabbits corvids and pigeon controlled as well. Whilst drving around we saw fox tracks everywhere, then w
  7. will the cold kill off a lot of rabbits? im pretty sure it will!? we have had temp down to -8 in cornwall.
  8. been out lamping twice this week i the snow only 4 rabbits the first noght none the second, although i was driving some land this morning and saw 2 foxes playing i the snow and plenty of deer tracks!
  9. Well done on your first fox mate. just try squeeking on the palm or the back of your hand...if you can master this then its the best way! if your out lamping and you drop your fox call and you dont know how to squeek then your nights foxing has gone down the pan! it takes a while to get the high pitched squeel but when you nail a fox that you squeeked yourself its a lot more satisfying. failin gthat you can just run a piece of polystyrene down some gglass ( my mate has a car wing mirror attacthed to his lamping battery) that also work a treat. HAPPY HUNTING. ps: take a camera net time
  10. well at first glance i though that the muzzle and long coat resembled a Nova Scotia Duck-Tolling Retriever. check this out: http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/novascotiaducktolling.htm and there is alot more of them about than people think, not so rare as alot of people are led to believe. they are know for a having a shriek or squeal but if it is crossed then the gruff bark would come from the lab. just a possibility.
  11. i noticed a topic asking about rabbits bolting: in cornwall there a little saying when the wind blows east rabbits bolt least, when the wind blows west the rabbits bolt best! anyone else find this true?
  12. can i ask what the dogs bark is like? does it ever squeel / make high pitched noises? apart from whining of course.
  13. so took out my black lab "Hurley" today to "break" him to the shotgun.... the Mrs had him on a lead and went way over the other side of the field we were in. about 150 yards away. i let of a shot and he just wagged his tail, then a little closer and still no sign of nerves from him. after half hour i got really close and let off some more shots and he was absolutely fine. so we went for a walk through some rough to see if he would put anything up. a crow came over and he was down with the first barrel. Hurley didn't pay any attention to the bird that fell really but i was pleased with ou
  14. hello one and all, i have been doing a bit of rough shooting lately and the mrs has decided she would like to tag along and gradually break our labrador to the gun and give him a bit of training etc. so i would like a .410 if anyone has one? cheers and i hope straight shooting and a new year puts plenty of game on the table for us all.
  15. ] very nice mate! where in cornwall are you?
  16. :clapper: you can't be serious!?????????????????
  17. thank you mate, much appreciated. i was kinda expecting more reply's that that...so you must be spot on! i'll give it a go and let you know.
  18. Hi guys, I have inherited a lab called Hurley just turned 2 years old. - a wonderful sweet dog who loves everybody, we have been together for about 5 months now and i think the bond is strong enough to start some gun dog training. he isn't scared of fire works or loud noises what so ever. I want to start doing more rough shooting on my ground and would love for Hurley to be my companion. He is a very sensitive dog and i have noticed that any harsh tone will make hit just lie down so i think he may have a sensitive / nervous disposition. He retrieves sticks, balls, or anything i make toy o
  19. hello bully, yer the dsc lv 1 does show you but as everyone does it differently im interested to find out how loads of other people do it, plus the guy that done was seriously fast!
  20. i see what you mean about the balance of the T3 lite BUT it has a nice trigger i have learnt to stalk with a sauer 6.5x55 so nothing will feel quite as nice as that no matter what i buy! shame i dont have the spare £1600 just for gun spare really! I'll fit it with a wildcat mod and an S&B scope once i have saved up, will have to make do with a cheaper scope for the time bing. really looking forward to getting it now. my mates runs 120grain ballistic tip home loads, you can point shoot at fox's / deer from 50 yards to 200yards as it is so flat! happy days!
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