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The Catalan

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About The Catalan

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 13/11/1979

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  1. Thank's Will H. I've seen many documentarys about falconry is fantastic to watch. I wish i had time to get involved in yet another way of hunting.... Cheers mate
  2. Hi, I've never done pigeon shooting can anyone tell me what's the best time of the year and why?? Cheers
  3. I do have experience with German Pointers and English Setters and i don't think they are harder to train but of course like any other breed they require patience and time but the reward is priceless...
  4. champ dogs uk http://www.champdogs.co.uk/ Thank's guys..interesting
  5. I've just moved to near Gloucester, though I'm orriginaly from North Wales which is how I got involved with shooting.sh, I even put him in tough with a friend in Llangollen who wanted to let therights on his farm and the price was a bit rich for me! Though I don't think he shoots that land anymore as the woods have been sold off to be felled. I been to Llangollen last season,i got my 1st woodcock and my first Grouse.Do you know where can i do this kind of shooting apart from shooting.sh. I mean where can i go with my Springer and walk the whole farm and c what we can get..Cause it to
  6. I've just moved to near Gloucester, though I'm orriginaly from North Wales which is how I got involved with shooting.sh, I even put him in tough with a friend in Llangollen who wanted to let therights on his farm and the price was a bit rich for me! Though I don't think he shoots that land anymore as the woods have been sold off to be felled. I been to Llangollen last season,i got my 1st woodcock and my first Grouse.Do you know where can i do this kind of shooting apart from shooting.sh. I mean where can i go with my Springer and walk the whole farm and c what we can get..Cause it to
  7. Ey this is interesting where r u based??I have never met Bob personally but i am anoying him with emails every week!!!Nice fella
  8. There is a few is growing every year but you book 24 hours in advance and the you have the whole farm for yourself!!It's great..There are lots of different farms and if has been booked before you can also meet other members and go with them.
  9. Hi Holland, I'm Spanish,i am used to hunt with pointing dogs,dogs that they get in the field and run from one side to the other till they find the quarry and then.....the most beutiful thing in the world mate...THE POINTING....until u get there of course and tell them to flush.....u can't beat that....anyway at the moment i have Frodo an English Springer who still young just 1 1/2 but had a good season last year and i like it but doesn't point just flushes...ey i am not complaining but he hunts within shooting range of course so u have to walk the whole field to find the game
  10. Hi, I am new at this site and first thing i wanna do is let everyone know about www.Shooting.sh What a fantastic syndicate!!!I'm Spanish and been in Englnad for 9 years..well,it has taken me 7 years to find what i call proper hunting which to me means:go out with my springer chasing and flushing game!!!I have been to many syndicates before this paying stupid money to go to shoot at "chickens"...I rather go clayshooting to be honest. Anyway guys,this is what i think.....If someone has anything better please let me know...
  11. Hi, If you are looking for value for money,proper hunting,you looking to pay little and enjoy a lot go to www.shooting.sh I have been in this syndycate for 2 years and is fantastic mate
  12. Hi i'm new in this site. Where can i find a pointing dog (English pointer,German pointer,English setter,) that comes from a working family?? Anyone knows??
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