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Everything posted by shula

  1. oo gonna have to get me one of them just in case though hopefully we wont ever need it still escape proofing the court and sleeping quarters
  2. yeah we have already started that. hes nto going out there untill its completly secure but still id like to get him microchipped.
  3. salem is now home safe and sound after his big adventure. traveled a mile then raided someones kitchen luckly they kept him then saw my poster in the local shop. so off to the vets tomorrow cos he has a bad eye and then microchipped and the little monster is having a coller fittied ( wonder if you can get sat nav for tthem) thanks for the support and suggestions
  4. I know what you mean i havet slept since monday am about to fall into a coma i think am so worried but you can only do so much against the weather. i hope you find your hob i will keep my fingers crossed for you. have you tired advertsing on animal search uk its a free website where you can put up details about your lost pet also try the british ferret club lost and found section. as for live traps i was thinking about that but would proberly end up with nexts door cat stuck in it but i will probably set a couple anything is worth a try.
  5. the first time someone let him out so we changed his hutch and run the wind broke not only the door hinges but also the two locks on the door trust me we did everything possible to keep him in. the winds were just extremley strong the other night
  6. thanks for the repley and suggestions. i have contatced everyone i can think of even stood quietly while the woman from the rspca shputed at me for not having him microchipped even though we explained why he was not (been on lots of meds due to skin condition) He has escaped before but he was caught the nex day the thing was he was found quite a long way away from the house. it seems he just runs and runs untill he is caught. thanks again for the support
  7. Hi sorry to post this am new here and not sure if i can post this but am desperate. Lost my hob last night due to the high winds he escaped and is now roaming somewhere round the nantwich area if anyone sees him he is a sandy colour with choclate legs and tail please take him to stapley grange . he is extremely friendly and im worried sick about him. hes not a worker he was a rescue and is about 5- 6 years old. thanks for your time
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