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Everything posted by mark01856

  1. o just looked at the dates, cant make it, got work. whens the piss up?
  2. i might go, never been before, and i live in skipton now, so not to far. is it any good?
  3. I am, the scorpion t10, it has a synthetic stock, but im left handed, and they only come right handed, so that is why i am going to send it to get the stock customeised to suit me
  4. A gun shop perhaps well yes, but i can only find 2 suppliers.
  5. now i just have to find somewhere to buy one.lol
  6. im thinking i might stick with .22, i just fancied trying .177 but cant really justify spending 500 on a rifle in a calibre i might hate.
  7. yea, and he is(WAS) a sniper in the army
  8. If you have not ordered your gun yet ,you should not have any problem getting a left handed stock. Also my choice for rabbits is .22 not saying 1.77 cant do it its just my choice i thought that i would be able to get a right handed stock but apparantly they only come left handed, but staff synth guns say they will be able to change the cheek piece to be ambi.
  9. any more suggestions, i want to put my order in soon but still not sure what calibre to go for.
  10. i have spoke to staff synthetic stock and they said they can do something for me, now i just need to buy the rifle. anyone know the best plavce to buy one?
  11. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And tries to escape from courtroom.... http://orcadian.co.uk/ http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/new...cle3920079.ece
  12. well i have always preffered .22 but i just dont know if it would be worth getting my new rifle in .177. i would like to but to be honest im mostly into shooting rabbits and crows, i just really dont have aclue what i will go for.
  13. sorry to bring this subject up again, as i know it has been covered MANY times, but.. as some of you might know, i have been looking for a Bsa scorpion t10, and been having problems with it being right handed, i am a lefty . anyway i am in the process of maybe getting the stock sorted to allow for the lefty. the question is is what calibre should i go for? I have always used .22 and thought that .177 was for kids( until i joined this site and found out how WRONG and stupid i was in that thinking) i have a .22 logun which i use for the rabbits, but know know that you
  14. anyone on this site do custom stocks? i
  15. oh and has any one had any experiance with staff synthetic stocks?
  16. hi everyone, does anyone know any companies that will customise synthetic stocks? any links would be good. Thanks Mark
  17. WHY This gun???/ There are much better guns which will suit your needs i really don tknow, lol. i suppose i dont really want to get an aas400 as everyone has one. What other guns do you suggest? because i am hoping to get one in a couple of weeks, prefferably synthetic stock
  18. i have found this site, might be able to make a cheek piece for me? http://www.staffs-synthetic-stocks.com/index.shtml
  19. thanks for that logun, i have been advised i could get a cheeck piece made for the stock, but dont know what companies would do this? or i was thinking i could use some foam and wrapped up with scrim net, but it would look terrible. i really wanted this rifle, i dont see why they dont make all guns ambi.
  20. i have just been told that this gun is not avalible with a left handed stock and it will be very awkward to use for a lefty? so why on earth is the description ''Hand-filling ‘Bolas’ bolt-handle can be reversed to suit left-handed shooters.'' when the stock is horrible for leftys. should i get this gun or is there a better choice for a lefty?
  21. and if any one owns a BSA scorpion T10 would i be able to see some pics please?
  22. hi all, i am hoping to get a scorpion t10 in a few weeks, as i have heard good things about them, but me being an alien(left handed) i am just wondering if the stock will be to awkward for me, i have held a right handed AA s410 and the cheek piece was to sharp so not good for me. so will i need to try find a left handed version or will it be ok in the right handed stock? also, what bi pod will fit this rifle, and will weirauch silencers fit on this? sorry for all the questions but i dont want to make a mistake here is a link http://www.shootingshack.com/bsa-scorpio
  23. i doubt anyone tried to insult you, sean3513 is very helpful. and seems to know his stuff. you have asked questions and you have got descent answers mate.
  24. 177 is smaller and i flies flatter, can reach bigger distances than 22 22 is bigger and has more inpact than 177. it is the power of the gun that determines whether or not you need a license. i think i am right but im quite new to all this also
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