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Everything posted by mark01856

  1. mark01856


    its things like that which will destroy our sport
  2. theres my logun my logun and again partridge
  3. cheers guys, i think im just being paranoid, because you know who many stinking hippies about, but i suppose who would be scared of a hippie( well unless he tried to bum you) lol
  4. how do you spot an anti, because im getting offers of going out hunting with people and they all seem to be real decent people, but how can you be sure??
  5. mayberry loch outside girvan should go to orkney islands for a bit of sea fishing. massive pike there
  6. it .22, and the bipod is good, but it some times gets loose and it a pain in the a#s [bANNED TEXT] that happens, but it not bad.
  7. you could maybe put a post up asking about the rat catcher because my opinion is completely biased as the gun just p###d me off. lol. im sure some one has some better knowledge of them than i do
  8. i used to have one years ago, had it for a week and threw it in the sea. ha ha. but i dont know, there might be improved models by now, but my experiance with them, i would never use one again
  9. just my opinion, but the rat catcher is one of the worst guns i have ever used
  10. any of them rifles would do for rats mate. i will try and get pics of mine up tonight
  11. no i dont but i am planning on putting some on tonight. i will post one on this topic if you want?
  12. i find it brilliant, but its one of those rifles you either love or hate, its not the most comftorble thing to hold, the butt is just a buddy bottle, but you get used to it. it is a very quiet rifle too.
  13. i got mine for 500 with scope bipod pump and bag, but i think you can get them for about 400 off jsr?( not 100%, but i think)
  14. i would reccomend a logun s.16-s for rats, but that is just because i own one, but im suree you will get some more helpful replys, p.s. i think just about any decent rifle would do for rats, i liked my old weirauch hw77, found it to be very reliable. hope that can help a bit?
  15. im not really sure to be honest, i will get back to you. it does have a scope
  16. i have an old hw77 if your interested?
  17. i think my girl friend would be interested in that car, could i see sum pics plz?
  18. hi there, would you sell the logun gun lamp on its own? because i am looking for a lamp for my logun s.16-s
  19. thank you all for your comments, much appreciated, i wont be selling either of my rifles, i just think im gunna be using my s.16.s alot more. cheers guys
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