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Everything posted by mark01856

  1. could be a test to see how it travels through the system,before they introduce something more sinister. Or could be a prank, who knows?
  2. I had a logun s-16s and it was great... it jammed if you didnt rack the bolt correctly and also if you put crap pellets in it. use the bolt correctly and use good pellets and it is a fantastic rifle. mine only liked logun penetrators and air arms diablo fields.
  3. nice rifle mate. and bad news about mixy
  4. its getting a bit nippy round here now. I am told the reds dont come this far down until nearer xmas. will keep my eyes open for em.
  5. thank you. I dont want to shoot many at all. the last of the roe i had in the freezer is now eaten, so after another to do for a while. I think they have moved on as i was seeing alot of activity but now nothing. there have been reports of poaching in the area though. I have got a nordik roe caller, but have never really got on with callers. the only success was calling in a fox with a squirrel call when after squirrels..
  6. get yourself on a trawler... good money if you can hack it... i personally loved it
  7. one in barrow outside a school with a knife. weird c...nt
  8. Hi guys. I am very bored at work, looking out window waiting to get into the woods. Anyway, I have a decent permission with roes and reds( reds less often) and was wondering if anyone has any tips on stalking deer? I have shot a couple from there last year. Accuracy is not an issue, I know my rifle and its limitations. It is just an old CZ .243 ( not screwcut-yet) Butchering is not an issue either as i used to supervise a slaughterhouse and hunted since i was a kid. My problem would be the actual stalk. If i see one then i can get to it, but i am struggling calling the
  9. get urself up to orkney and have a do on the geese
  10. just heard that too. if its true then goodbye belts
  11. that could be the case. It does not excuse anything though
  12. I agree with all that you say, EXCEPT the fact of the matter is when it comes to religion there will NEVER be peace. not possibleuntil we accept that religion is just another form of division, and relinquish our false gods, but sadly we will enter ww3 before that ever happens and we will send our sons and daughters to die on foreign soils because our leaders tell us it's for the best, it's the bummer of getting old, you realise you,ve been part of a big scam, but your to f****d to do anything about it hit the nail on the head mate
  13. we all know nothing will happen to him. people that take offence to it, thats a different story
  14. now thats just racist...........
  15. I agree with all that you say, EXCEPT the fact of the matter is when it comes to religion there will NEVER be peace. not possible
  16. BLM has created more racism than the KKK could ever have dreamed of
  17. this ''music'' video is on youtube. why is this allowed??
  18. going to have to get an air rifle again.... will get expensive using the rimfire. yea, it was alot of fun, will be after basil tonight tho.
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