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Everything posted by wanderinstar

  1. I have a Lee Load All reloader for shotgun cartridges. Where are the cheapest suppliers of powder, wads and shot?
  2. Hmm, that looks as if my rifle was made in Czech Republic. Then imported to the US and then found its way back over the Pond. Interesting. Thanks Bob.
  3. I have a CZ .22 American. On one side of barrel it has "Made in Czeck Republic" and on the other side it has "CZ 452-2E ZKM American CZ USA Kansas City, KS" Anyone know what the Kansas City bit means? Ian.
  4. We have all seen butchers and the like whipping a blade up and down a steel. It looks so easy. But when I have tried it, the blade ends up duller than when I started. How do you do it, correctly. Is there a certain angle you should use? Ian.
  5. I have just bought a s/h 22 CZ and when I put about 30 rounds through it 3 of the empty cases would not eject. I rang the dealer up he said that the previous owner had had it in his cabinet for about 5 years, so to give it a good clean. I thought all firearms should be cleaned after every outing.
  6. Cheers Jonathon. But has anyone else had this mentoring condition for a .22 rimfire or is it just starting after Cumbria or is it a mistake. I have a feeling it might be the former
  7. Dont know how that happened. The last reply, that is. The form is a "Notification of Transfer of Firearm/Shotgun" form. Has anyone else had this mentoring condition on there FAC?
  8. You do not have to return your FAC to the cops when you acquire a firearm. Given how long my local force takes to deal with FAC's I'd strongly advise letting them getr hold of it for any reason at all. Not the problem of the people in the department as they are grossly understaffed. I don't know what form they are giving you to fill in to notify them of new guns but there is no officially required form to do this. You can just do it by letter. I forget what the precise information that is required is but it's along the lines of what is necessary to identify the individual gun. Also you
  9. I have at last got my FAC. One question. When I buy a gun there was 3 copies of a form that I presume has to be filled in with details of acquired firearm/shotgun and returned to police. But does the actual FAC have to be returned as well? Another thing that is on the cert. is a mentoring condition for a .223, which I was expecting, But also for the .22 rimfire. Apparently this is due to some "Richard" in Cumbria. I thought the Tories said they would not review gun laws till the dust had settled. They haven't allowed much time in Lancashire. Ian.
  10. What is the correct distance a gun may be discharged from a road or footpath. Does this apply to all firearms, shotguns and air rifles? Ian.
  11. I put down a 243 for foxes, but as it is a first application the FEO wouldn't give me it. He said a 222 or a 223 would be ok. So I accepted a 223. Ian.
  12. I am about to buy a shotgun. Someone said to make sure it was fitted to me. What is involved in this process? Ian.
  13. I know it is better to go knocking on doors rather than phoning or writing. But what is your opening gambit. Introduce yourself. Then ask do you have any problems with rabbits, crows etc., or just come straight out with it and ask for shooting permission. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Ian.
  14. It is a good price. They wanted £320 to start with, for mine. I thought I had done well to knock them down to £299. Didn't think you could still buy them new now. I was recommended to use Accupell pellete, which are domed. Need to save up for a pump now Ian.
  15. I am in the process of buying the above, Does anyone have any experience of them? Have also heard that it may be possible to fit a 10 shot magazine, does anyone know about this? Ian.
  16. has not set their status

  17. Hi all. Thanks for the replies. I managed to borrow a cleaning rod and tapped them all out. Phew. I was getting worried. One question though. How come some pellets are suitable for one rifle and not another. They are all .22. Ian.
  18. Hehe. I tried to register on the site and couldnt even get past the confirmation code at the bottom. This seems to be an up and coming trend on a few sites. Too difficult to read for us humans. Dont think I will bother. Ian.
  19. I have been out today with a borrowed rifle. I fired on a couple of rabbits and appeared to miss completely. After the third shot I got an air hiss coming back to the bolt end of the barrel. I thought something was wrong but didn't know what. I ended up with about 4-5 pellets stuck up the barrel. Question is, how do I get them out. Tried knocking them back to the bolt end of barrel, without success. Then I tried to take the barrel off the gun, with no success. Anyone got any ideas? Ian.
  20. Furdy, do you have a problem with my original post. the only condition for me getting shooting rights is to try and clear the moles. As a newbie, which you where at one time,the best way to get info is to ask questions. Ian.
  21. Hi all, Just doing some research on mole trapping, before I start. Am I right in assuming that there are usually only a pair of moles to a group of hills? On the land I will be working on there are some massive hills,ie 18" across and about 10" high. Is this the results of nursery making, or do they have JCB,s down there. Ian.
  22. What is the best time of day to go after rabbits, with a rifle. Early morning or early evening. went out lamping with a couple of mates on land that was supposed to be over run with rabbits. We started at 19.00 and were there for about 1 1/2 hrs. We didn't see one. Does the temp have any bearing on them coming out. Ian.
  23. Hi everyone. Even though I joined this forum a couple of years ago I never really used it. However I am now about to apply for my FAC and the farmer who is giving me shooting permission is plagued by moles and corvids damaging his lambs. So will be a regular on here from now on. Ian.
  24. Hi all, New on here but always willing to learn. I was reading the other day that when using a Larsen Trap to trap Magpies you should put a magpie from another location into the trap as live bait. Question. bearing in mind my opening statement. Where do you get the first magpie from? Ian.
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