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Everything posted by pointer

  1. pointer

    New Season

    That's a good start. Mines still heavy and lazy, probably be the weekend before she's right and hunting properly.
  2. pointer

    New Season

    As always mate thanks for the invite.
  3. Metacam works quickly, i first saw it being used on terriers and the difference between using it and the 10mg per lb aspirin I always used was noticeable. It's Just brilliant. I wouldn't be without it and dernagel when treating my injured animals.
  4. pointer

    New Season

    My young pointer is unfit and fat, my hawk is still fat and fairly unresponsive and I've put a stone of blubber on over the summer due to spending most of my weekends this summer sat in a bivvy eating sweets watching the cycling on Eurosport but two kills this evening means my season has started.
  5. a week has been long enough on the three occasions mines been injured. Metacam used long term on any animal can cause damage to organs, kidneys if I remember right so don't overdo it. Like I mentioned you have to sign a disclaimer before a vet will let you use it on a hawk so there could be a risk.
  6. It's fantastic stuff, I first saw it used on terriers and hounds five years ago and then later on lurchers and hawks. Its longer term use for old and arthritic dogs is something more people and vets are looking into. It has certainly done wonders for my old dog and I thought I was going to have to PTS two years ago.
  7. Sorry mate just seen this. I use the supplied syringe but I've just checked and its 0.5 ml. That's using the standard 1.5mg/ml metacam for dogs. There are different strengths so best to check.
  8. I went straight from work to Fourtraks house on Friday to fly the hawk for the first time. The bird was heavy and lazy but the rabbit pie he gave me to eat on the way to the dales made the trip worthwhile.
  9. It might just take a while to kick in. I give the dose for a 10kg dog to mine when she needs it. Hope you get it sorted mate.
  10. What's happened mate? I'm lucky here we've got a few good vets that are on call 24/7.
  11. Metacam and Loxicom are the same stuff so either will do, vets will treat a hawk with it but I've always had to sign a disclaimer form first. Birds need a much higher dose than a dog per kilo body weight. It's thick enough stuff so I find its easier to squirt liquid into a day old chick than give it in tablet form.
  12. ive a couple about that size in my pond interesting fish to watchThey are interesting fish and as a species hunter I would like to catch other types of sturgeon including Beluga hybrids and Sterlet colour variations from even small ponds or lakes.
  13. They don't mate I dont know how they managed lol. Getting back to Salukis I'd read an up to date book on them but the laws would make that hard if not impossible. We may not all have owned a pure but many lurcher lads have had dogs with saluki in them.
  14. Humour or stupidity lol....I made more mistakes in those three years with that hawk than I should have admitted to. The falconry fraternity would not be happy ha. I don't think many of us could write a normal book, it's a skill that few possess because it has to flow right with a start, middle and an end. A diary however is easy because we are all out hunting several times a week if not daily and we all have young stock that either succeed or fail and all that. So I think we all have a story and a diary is just an account of a day so it doesn't have to be written by a literary genius. The ha
  15. So would I but there's no escaping the fact that not everybody especially kids can afford all the books. I was lucky I read everything I could about hunting, fishing and the countryside when I was younger but all I had to do was order them in from my local library. It's not like that for kids now. Some of the best modern falconry books are available on kindle unlimited for free written by normal Americans not some posh sort from over here. Then again why should anybody do it for free when everybodies a critic and the bad reviews and some level of abuse online would be inevitable whether it was
  16. after putting my own diary into book form and only having 15 copies printed i know that each book cost £30. But that thing was huge at A4 size, normal sized print with over 600 full colour pictures. The discount for larger numbers is significant but I explained to the publisher lady that nobody will pay to read me waffling on about hunting with a hawk and fishing.........often badly lol. The modern day hunting book can be read over the course of a days coffee breaks at work with only a few photos. I'm sceptical that money can't be made but nobodies going to be retiring on the profit. Still a
  17. It's amazing Plummer is even mentioned these days. So many books by so many authors have been written since he died. Getting a simple word document turned into a book is so easy now it's perhaps a shame more books aren't written. But do we really need books when we have the Internet? A book could be written and put on the Internet for free but I don't suppose many are willing to do that, selling at around £25 I imagine there's still money to be made from books.
  18. After reading most books on hunting and many on fishing I believe the best format is the diary style. That way anybody could write a book because you don't have to an expert. So Arcticgun may feel that after ten years he couldn't write a comprehensive book on the saluki but he could have written a book from breeding or picking up a pup then all the way through rearing, entering and working a saluki..........our laws would make that difficult because even if flushing to birds or guns pics and text could be twisted but you know what I mean. Scooby was a good read as is Phil Lloyds first book d
  19. I think because Tess looked so much like a GWP the other blood in her was often ignored by myself and others that saw her. I believe the fact she was out of Casper and all that goes with that line of coursing dog played a huge part in how she turned out. To say she is a pointer cross isn't the full story.
  20. He's getting on now too, a bit greyer round the muzzle. Time for his daughter to step up, work well and then produce me my next lurcher in a few years time lol.
  21. She is one of the best all rounders I have ever seen shame they get old Yeah it's a shame, she's near the end now mate. It'll break my heart.
  22. Tess waiting for a bolt on the first day she was taken out with a ferret. ( January 2005 ). She would usually wait like that for as long as it took only moving if she thought the rabbit would bolt from another hole. Now ferreting isn't my preferred type of hunting whether that's out with lurchers or hawks but it's sometimes necessary to get the runs or flights. I suppose it's to be expected that a lurcher bred from something which will hold a point for long periods if necessary will have a good attention span. They need it too, get it wrong and the rabbit might see the dog and then it can all
  23. . If the lad who passed away was mikey (aka Chesney ) from Darlington the dog he had was off Craig Nuttal one of his coursing dogs and gwp first cross No it was a lad from West Auckland, my pal knew him from college. There must be a lot more pointer crosses in this part of Durham than anywhere else in the country. It makes sense I suppose they can do a bit round the doors and in twenty minutes your onto open land covered in heather, reeds and white grass. And that my friends is the playground of the GWP and the GWP lurcher lol.
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