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Everything posted by smarty

  1. the plastic ready made ponds a bit shallow tho but im sure you could find one deep enough i had one for my terrapin in the summer it wasnt built in the grass tho just place it on the garden
  2. so the collie crosses would take the big stuff bre ban then ??
  3. or when you get your new computer just swap the hard drives around lol
  4. how much to dewclaw em when there pups same price or dearer/cheaper
  5. tenner to get in is a bit over priced and as said before mostly food stalls but its fairly close to me so i always go
  6. co-op and quinn direct are good for insure you and your child co-op you protect your no claims and build the newly passed drivers up aswell not sure about quinn got a good price with quinn 900 pound fully comp and protected no claims to drive my mums 1.9DCi laguna and and that price dosent change once ive passed either one company wanted 11 grand to insure me and mum on it
  7. also like the 3/4 beddy 1/4 whippet more info would be great good with kids ?? how it fairs on the lamp ??? trainability ?? are these 3/4 beddys hard to get hold of ???
  8. well a mate of mines beddy whip grey is soft as s**t with the kids plays with them all day but there again that dog has been around small kids since it was 6 weeks old i know its vearing away from subject but look at labs and spaniels they work but make crackin family pets aswell socialise the dog from a young age and 99% are fine
  9. is it possible to tell how a pup will turn out in shape and height ???? ive noticed that with pups in particular springers that looking at a pup you can sort of determine how it will turn out for example the freckly pups with the big heads normally turn out faairly big and the smaller pointier faces tend to make smaller dogs or is this just a good guess just with terrier pups aswell the way they look as pups i could tell thier type as in big head or stance ect ??? anyone kind og just know how the pups will turn out by thier 'type' not different breed
  10. i know what your sayin ive been looking for a mongrel as a pet dog (dont slag me off i just think mutts are the best dogs) and people are charging 150-200 pound for a mutt i mean any old thing thrown together bit off subject i know
  11. forgot to add thier is a years mcafee virus software on the computer and will install windows vista home premium onto new hard drive
  12. packard bell computer for sale tower unit only good computer getting rid as i have just upgraded to a laptop (i can sit on the settee and play this lol) i have cleaned all the inside out and will replace the hard drive with a brand new one pics of are young un on there dont want them getting into the wrong hands good working order it has two slots but only one disc drive ( never got round to fitting the other) would fit another for small price increase buyer will decide what size hard drive he/she wants in it (if buyer wants extras for the computer i.e better graphics
  13. just as it reads lads like to see a few pictures of your bedlingtons or beddy x other terrier intrested in the bedlington quite a lot and would love to get one working so if theres anything you want to share or any pictures you want to show be my guest !!! thanks in advance smarty
  14. they should bring a model out which tracks the microchip when dogs are chipped or is this device more used when you are out walking ?? most dog thieves would take the collars off imagine knocking on thier doors asking for your dog back !!!!!! it would freak them out big style
  15. good little dogs for a mooch about bit of ferretin ratting never seen them on the charlie and same !!! chase hare allday but wont catch
  16. 2 england wales clashes today the rugby swansea v fulham double swoop for the english today
  17. smarty


    whats with the new layout of the posts shows 1 post then has like links under them to other posts ?????????????
  18. always here about the lab springers some people seem to make decent dogs out of them but never heard of a cocker lab anyone ever had one of these just curious as only ever here of lab x springers
  19. that rabbit looks a bit different to the ones ive seen crackin dog good catch
  20. we werent criminal masterminds like the other posts on here just standard throwing glue sticks on the high celings so it stuck there just destroyin stuff at school fired cardboard from elastic bands at teachers and at the 6th formers pottery projects in art smashed about 4 and they were getting marked in like 2 weeks !!! hangin a mouthy first year off a coat peg everyone dumped there bags underneath the lockers we used 2 tie them together rugby tackle each other into the pile of bags [bANNED TEXT] people got up and left thier computers on we used to record sounds
  21. any one had bedlington cocker or bedlington springer ?? and border springer or border cocker ??
  22. so hes basically sayin that dogs that work arent good with kids ?? and advertising breeding for profit seems like a good bloke
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