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About digga

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. cheers lads anyone else know anywhere??
  2. Could anyone point me in the right direction of a good quality starter pistol?? either new or second hand. Ive just been to my local gunshop where they had an olympic 6 .22 or a python .38 for sale and both were of a poor quality... i dont mind spending a bit more for one that will last. thanks
  3. spot lads thanks for the advice much appreachiated
  4. Just got back from a day out with the terriers mine has come back with th usual cuts n grazes but also his hind paw middle nail looks like it has come right off. it now looks like the shape of the nail is there but it is red and jellyish. ive washed it and the bleeding has stopped but what now any ideas???
  5. Dont have a chrono to try it with. I wish there was someway to chrono a pellet by how deformed it was when hitting a brick. shoot a yellow pages at different ranges and count what page number it penetrates
  6. are these soft nose antis for real? RATS ARE NOTHING BUT VERMIN RATS DO NOTHING IN THE ECO SYSTEM OF THINGS TO HELP all soap dodging antis should be 1 at a time taken onto a pig farm pushed into a stall alive with tailums running over there feet then offered a terrier on alead to keep the vermin away from there nice new wellies they borrowed off there mammys. theyl choose the dog every time. personly i love to see two terriers fighting over a big rat and pulling it in half before trotting off tails wagging both thinking they won the tug of war THE TIME TO TAKE OUR COUNRTY BACK FROM DO-
  7. Dos anyone know if theres any game fairs on bank holiday monday in cumbria?
  8. when i was a nipper i was at me mates house shootin his dads air rifle in the garden. we ran out of pellets so we went inside and started shooting cigerette filter tips at his mams clock. for a laff he shot me in the palm of the hand from point blank range my whole arm went dead and i had a bruise the size of a fifty pence. moral of the story- if your gona do sommet daft , make sure your the one pullin the trigger
  9. my pals mill is a home made affair for his luchers just foned him n he says its a washing machine motor built into it but the expensive part is the vari speed box on it. his long dogs luv it but terriers seem to get bored quick and would rather be runnin free. mine trained to heel to the left front wheel on my bike he can do 4 mile at a fast pace on a cool evening
  10. ive always bought hawke scopes last 1 i had was a 3x9x50 milldot with the light up recticle but to be honest it wasnt much better than a 3x9x40 with a normal 30/30 recticle . the light up recticle on a low setting helped a bit in the last 10 minutes before dusk tho. im just about to order a cheapie off ebay either a tasco or maybe a smk ill do a write up when ive shot a few rabbits with it.
  11. has anyone had ever put a ferret into a minks lair? if not what do you think the out come would be?
  12. thanks for your help lads top man ditch ill tell the old boy he hasnt dicoverd a new species lol good old blacky it is, nice to see all the same.
  13. the dams side was out of brightmores blackstuff (see profile pic) the sires side was out of steve robertsons dog fell (a smart looking lakey which resembled hardastys turk). a lot of the harcore lads breed best worker to best but i must admit went for looks as well as graft. his full sister out the litter is a demon grafter over the water but then again his other sister couldnt catch a cold
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