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ferret king

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Everything posted by ferret king

  1. cheers mate you dont know how much that means
  2. i am just starting ferreting and have read books etc now i just need the equipment so i was wondering whats the cheapest place to buy purse nets, crarrying box, stop nets and anything else i might need as i get a bit of money off my parents but not enough to buy all the best new stuff. cheers
  3. anyone know why they do not have any items listed on ebay as i will be purchasing a new box soon and wanted to have a look at some of their's.
  4. Where in south Yorkshire you from mate because if your not too far away you can come out for a walk with the terriers with me and my mate we have got 5 terriers between us.Sam rotherham
  5. mines the same well be out on a little mooch hell be about 50 yards in front round the corner all i hear is a couple of whines next minuite hes running all around the field yapping after a bunny hes even caught three. And as for going through thick undergrowth nothing will stop him if he knows there is something there.
  6. all i know is he was bred by a gamekeeper from north yorkshire
  7. ye mate thats exactley what mine do and me and the dogs both enjoy it so i suppose thats all that matters.
  8. ye good ratting dog and just wanted to play with the ferrets once he realised they were his friends.
  9. i would say i do but its probabley not what some of you would call proper work. hes 18 month
  10. border terrier excellent workers especially in conjunction with a lurcher great at flushing from undergrowth etc. allways want to please you also loyal pets very versatile they will work all day, play, or just sleep what ever you want to do.
  11. think you would have more success if you entitled the post ferrets wanted
  12. try this just tell him what to do http://www.subservientchicken.com/
  13. watch this funny video http://www.funnyjunk.com/movies/794/Dirty+Turban/
  14. how do you ensure the dog will hunt in the day but not hunt up at night
  15. dont they loose rabbits down warrens when lamping or when out in day anyway correct... but in my own PERSONAL experience :- (FIRST DOG) ;- didnt encourage daytime chasing. He came back to me on the lamp soon as he missed. SECOND DOG: i ran her daytime rabbits..... she hunted up on the lamp. im not the best DOG TRAINER in the world, that i will hold my hands up to..... but my own PERSONAL past experiences speak for themselves thanks for the help
  16. dont they loose rabbits down warrens when lamping or when out in day anyway
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