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Everything posted by Funfuret

  1. A ferret feeding frenzy LOL How old are they now?
  2. Well that haul of rabbits should keep a fair few ferrets going for a while Ace kits
  3. Here (Britain), Aujeszky's Disease is a notifiable disease. The last case recorded was in 1989 and Britain was officially declared an Aujeszky's Disease free area in 1991 following a serum testing based survey. It seems to be a valid concern in the US though 'cos you seem to have had a couple of outbreaks in 2007
  4. I think a lot of the worm concerns came from problems with infection by trichinella BUT trichinella isn't a problem in the UK these days. If anyone is worried then just freeze meat for couple of days because that would kill the trichinella worms.
  5. I think you are missing out another category of ferret owner, Stubby, the serious show owner. Those who take loads of ferrets to loads of shows in the hope of coming back with lots of pots. Then if their ferret wins they claim that their offspring come from some sort of fancy champ and charge fancy prices IMO a lot of the demand for fancy colours is created by the show circuit. Just like Crufts popularises different breeds of dog and leads to breeding for extreme and often unhealthy traits
  6. The only bunny hugger in my house is old Gimli. Does anyone else's ferret sleep with dead bunnies
  7. That is amazing, Frank Like your set up as well, Sue
  8. I think that was meant to be a joke; a play on words to lighten the thread. But it seems to have passed over your head.
  9. Can I suggest another way of looking at this. Most of you seem to agree that a silver shouldn't be bred to a silver. Why not? After all, if silvers don't carry unhealthy genes then there should be no problem breeding a silver to a silver. So why do people say don't breed silver to silver? I would guess it's because it's generally recognised that silvers carry unhealthy genes. Genes that ideally shouldn't be passed on.
  10. Lactofree cows' milk is, as the name suggests, virtually lactose free (less than 0.055%) and okay for ferrets. If you look here ( http://www.nationaldairycouncil.org/NR/rdo...6/0/TABLE10.pdf ) you'll see that goats' milk isn't significantly lower in lactose than normal cows' milk.
  11. I used to know an Australian who went out ferreting but I don't know if it's a popular activity over there.
  12. I've never though of fitting one of those... good thinking
  13. The keepers at a children zoo I know takes the birds out the aviaries and pop their ferrets in for a short time every once in a while. They told me that keeps the rats away. Also, I've heard people say that ferret poo keeps rats away. So maybe keeping ferrets as well as chickens would help keep the rats down.
  14. The problem apparently is a protein in raw egg white called avidin that binds to a B vitamin, biotin. My understanding though is that in chicks most the egg white has been reabsorbed. But I do pierce and squeeze out some of the yolk sac just to be on the safe side. I give my gang half a chick each in the evening 2 out of 3 days. They have ferret biscuits to nibble on 24/7. Egg-wise, people say if you do feed raw egg then no more than one a week. Heat (cooking) is supposed to inactivate avidin so some people give them scrambled egg instead as a treat. I think bones are important not ju
  15. What's so essential about lots of muscle? They shouldn't get too much muscle meat anyway. If you look, you'll see chicks have all the usual organs (heart, liver, etc). Probably a bit short on bone so yes they shouldn't be feed exclusively (nothing should be) but at least they provide a range of tissue types. If you're worried about the feathers than just wet the chicks before giving them to the ferrets.
  16. I wouldn't use TCP on my ferrets 'cos it's packed full of phenols. My vet said it's okay to use Savlon. After seeing (and paying for] the damage a rat did to one of my cats, I wouldn't use a ferret for ratting either.
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