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Everything posted by Funfuret

  1. Aren't they all. Show mine a chick and all hell breaks loose Good photos
  2. Sorry to hear that. It's a shame but you did what you could for it.
  3. I think your ferrets live better than I do, Stubby Great idea!
  4. Spirits make my husband aggressive as well , especially whisky Ditto mine. Spirits seems to have that effect on most people I know. My Dad used to have a whisky chaser at the end of the night and suddenly one mild mannered old gent turned into a real bantem fighter. I'm lucky, I have my own in built alcohol aversion therapy. Anything aged in casks makes me ill almost immediately. A few sips of whisky (or even a whisky based liqeur) and I throw up. One glass of red wine or chardonnay = immediate mega bad headache . I have the odd glass of white wine or lager, that I enjoy, and
  5. Glad it went well It's the mums/dads that often cause PR problems...Haven't you got somewhere for little Jonnie/Janet to wash their hands (out in middle of a field during an event..I think not ).
  6. I've been doing a little research on this as we had some slow developement this spring... i found this excerpt though i dont know if its a Medical Finding or just an experienced second hand knowledge.... http://www.walkerworld.me.uk/SNFR/rescue_037.htm i agree that if there is something amiss a visit to the vet or at the very least seperating the remaining kits to be nourished on with a calcium/phospherous boost or kibble (which will contain these things) would be in order... My thoughts are perhaps they just AREN'T getting the full nutrients they require in their current diet..
  7. A scientific abstract from Medline: Lab Anim Sci. 1985 Jun;35(3):280-6 Bone marrow hypoplasia associated with estrus in ferrets. Sherrill A, Gorham J. Bone marrow hypoplasia was characterized in a group of female ferrets during prolonged estrus. All ferrets exhibited hematological changes characteristic of various degrees of bone marrow hypoplasia. Hematological findings included initial thrombocytosis and leukocytosis followed by thrombocytopenia, leukopenia and anemia. Platelet counts below 50,000/microliters were observed in 55% of the ferrets. Hemorrhagic anemia due to thrombocytope
  8. Little stunners The mums have done well to raise them all
  9. Congratulations on your new arrival
  10. Thanks for all the useful tips Might try soaking in bicarb next time I get a rabbit. Anyone got a good recipe for rabbit stew?
  11. Good looking kits. That chicken drumstick's almost bigger than the kit
  12. Good photos, especially the kit pics
  13. Amazing I love eating cray fish what do you bait the trap with?
  14. Brilliant. Glad you got them back
  15. They're looking good Just thinking about all the poo you'll be having to shift with that number of kits Have fun
  16. There's some real chubby butts there Bet their Mum's glad the gannets are tearing into meat now
  17. Collecting conkers for conker fights and the wooden trolley my Dad made for me... I was a bit of a tomboy, no frilly frocks for me LOL
  18. Must be hard work lying around in the sun all day
  19. Good photos and very handsome beasties. Like the jrt and ferret one
  20. Saw the 'gangly' bird about that time. Maybe that's their off to roost time or something. Did it stay long on the roof?
  21. Good photo Not good at bird spotting but I think one of those flew over our house yesterday. Well whatever it was was very gangly anyway
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