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Everything posted by Funfuret

  1. That'll keep the ferrets fed for a while
  2. Are you sure you are going to be able to find them in all that space Ace court
  3. Happy Birthday, Kay Hope you are having a great day
  4. Funfuret


    So sorry, Kay It's not easy when they have to be helped on their way RIP Bess
  5. Well done on taking him in
  6. Spot on Sue! Too right. Which is why this forum, which allows people to express different views, is so useful.
  7. I used to have one that loved snorkelling... so funny to watch
  8. looks donkey brown to me Christ Kay, that'll be a new class at the shows if anyone gets wind of that one! "Next up after the 'donkey brown' category, the 'looks like the gobbet of phlegm I coughed up last night' category!" what about the none descript colours though you know the sludge brown & the ginger albinos People just wouldn't pay as much to get a ginger/sandy versus a cinammon/copper/'blue'or whatever. No fancy names, no fancy prices
  9. Glad you spotted they were having problems in time When it's really hot, apart from lots of water, shade, etc, I fill 2/3 litre plastic milk containers with water, freeze the water, then cover the bottles and pop them in the nest boxes. The bottles stay cold for quite a few hours.
  10. Don't like shows. All the hanging about waiting for classes, results, etc.. what a waste of a day. I enter my ferrets in my club show to support the club but I don't give a monkey's whether or not they are beauty queens. They're great little characters, each and every one, and that means far more to me
  11. There's a rough guide to how much chocolate is poisonous to different size of dogs at the following link: http://www.vetstoria.co.uk/templates/choco...-familypet.html Apparently, the amount of chocolate necessary to trigger toxic effects in a dog depends on several factors: * Size of the dog * Type of chocolate (% cocoa solids) * Ability of the dog to break down theobromine (the toxic stuff in chocolate) which varies from dog to dog.
  12. Good photos Someone who is colour blind once told me that they had to be very careful with traffic lights.
  13. looking forward to seeing the photos
  14. I think that maybe some pet owners have contributed to the deep rift and it's a two-way thing. I've seen lot of incorrect assumptions made by people who own them just as pets about the way working owners keep them . Odd really because I've seen loads of 5 star ferret accommodation on here... masses of space and extra's like paddling pools Plus diet-wise the workers tend to get the best; real healthy, Cordon bleu ferret food (raw carcases) instead of being restricted to processed rubbish...
  15. Tell him to consult his 'blue guide' (the National Office for Animal Health [NOAH] compendium The jill jab (Delvosterone, proligesterone) is one of the few things that is licensed for ferrets.
  16. HERE HERE well said Kay pet or worker as long as the ferts welfare is looked after well it gets on my wick this worker pets noncence , we all have one thing in common we keep ferrets . I've never understood the difference myself. I've got friends who work them but still regards them as pets. IMO there's just good owners and bad.
  17. Nice one She's a lucky girl.
  18. Nice looking ferrets and a good video
  19. Beaphar do a spot on version of ivermectin for ferrets that you can buy in pet shops. Last time the vet gave me ivermectin for the ferrets it was another brand, Xeno (I think), and it cost more than twice the price
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