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Everything posted by Funfuret

  1. Some racing tubes (10 cm/4 inch drainage pipes + wire/plastic mesh 'spacers') and some ferrets If you are really fussed you can add on some starting boxes as well I run ferret racing regularly throughout the year but too far from you (over 200 miles )
  2. Poor soul Some so-called humans are beyond belief
  3. Good photos Haven't seen wild deer in years. Hardly surprising in Manchester
  4. Forgot to say good luck and I hope you do get the dogs back
  5. There's not much point installing cameras Friend of mine saw some lads in her garden one night, a couple of weeks ago, and she had them on CCTV. She went out, grabbed one of them, and started trying to force him out of her garden and he threatened her with the police She called the police, and when they arrived they told her she was at fault for tackling the lads You aren't even allowed to force people off your own property these days..
  6. Funfuret


    Sounds like a good career choice to me if he can get in, and a job that's well worth doing
  7. Good photos Looks like you all had a good day
  8. Interesting Didn't know anything about truffles but there's a bit about them on Wikipedia at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truffle_(fungi). Including a comparison of dogs and pigs as truffle hunters: Truffle Hog Keen sense of smell Innate ability to sniff out truffles Tendency to eat truffles once found Truffle Dog Keen sense of smell Must be trained Easier to control; may urinate on truffles Hmm an excuse to get a pig maybe I can just see the neighbours' faces
  9. My condolenses. Thinking of you.
  10. Excuse my ignorance, but on average, how often does a healthy settled chicken lay eggs?
  11. There some information about the Selby Show on this thread : http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index...c=86664&hl=
  12. Alas I think that they really do think they can sell their extortionally priced unhealthy mutants to people through this forum
  13. There's none so selectively blind as those that just see megabucks to be made
  14. I do accept (and hope) that the majority of Angora breeders are probably animals lovers and don't do that but there will always be the one who do just breed for commercial reasons and puts money before compassion I just wish people would be happy with the ferret as it is. You can't beat a standard 'bino or poley IMO Maybe if people want something superfluffy then they should consider get a chinchilla or something else that come naturally fluffy, rather than encouraging breeders to breed animals that are basically mutants and carry unhealthy genes.
  15. Someone on another forum said that some breeders kill the non Angora kits when they put the Angora kits with the foster mum. I suppose some might to help ensure the money making Angora kits thrive. Who knows.
  16. She didn't say some, Candy. She seemed to me to be trying to imply that the ferrets that she's marketing are guaranteed cancer free .When in fact the tests aren't a guarantee
  17. Given that we still don't know all the cancer causing genes in humans, and the ferret genome hasn't been unravelled, I wouldn't rely too much on a 'cancer check' in a ferret
  18. Wait until your my age Kay. Then it becomes a polyfilla job Good photos, inan. The ferrets looked as though they had a good day as well
  19. [quote name='J Darcy' date='Dec 31 2008, 10:21 AM' post='830317'Hopefully we can get the shower of shite Labour out of power and hope some kind of miracle will rebuild the economy. Amen to that Hopie you manage to sort everything out Rick.
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