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Everything posted by Funfuret

  1. You could get them jill jabbed to bring them out of season if you can't get hold of a vasectomised hob.
  2. There are plenty of intact adult hobs turning up at rescues all the time; but some rescues castrate the hobs and spay the jills because otherwise they could be used to contribute to the problem the rescues are trying to solve (too many ferrets needing homes). A rescue might, however, get an adult hob snipped for you, instead of getting it castrated. If it were snipped now then it should be safe to use in a couple months and be able to bring your jills out of season, if they did go back into season later on this year after the jill jab.
  3. You won't need to bother scruffing them or need a helper if you pop oil on their belly I can do all 10 of mine in a trice on my own using this method. Even the wriggly ones just lie back licking themselves
  4. We used to have a roulette set up. It did go down well but the equipment disappeared. I'm thinking that I should make another roulette for this year 's events but I'm not sure what length the tubes should be. Any idea approximately what would be a good length??
  5. You can check for fleas by combing with a fine comb over damp white paper. If fleas are around, there'd be flea dirt (effluent) around and you'd get red (blood -like) marks spreading out from the black bits on the damp paper.
  6. Nice looking ferrets and good natured by the sound and look of it:) Hope they bring you in lots of rabbits next season.
  7. I'll second that. They're brilliant
  8. I've also seen fancy names like butterscotch and cinnamon bandied around to push up the price of a sandy There's always a mug around who'll be taken in by a fancy name for a common colour
  9. Found some identification photos here: http://www.herpetofauna.co.uk/identification.htm They do look more like toads.
  10. There's some ace photos there, Kay Is that a catkin in the second but last photo? It's good shot whatever it is, anyway
  11. This is my ferret hutch. It's 5 feet wide and it's in a lean-to at the back of the house so they don't need a run. The different levels can be blocked off so I can separate groups if need be, and the top level can be removed if I want to reduce it down to 2 levels.
  12. Thanks for the reminder I just wish they'd leave the clocks on BST so we had more light in the evenings during winter.
  13. If you order medication through the internet make sure you are dealing with a reputable source because there's a real problem with counterfeit medication these days.
  14. thats opening up yet another can of worms, as poorly marked silvers can moult out to an albino coat, thus looking like a black eyed white as you put it, I have two jills here that could easily pass as BEW's, which then starts the disscussion, do BEW's really exist, or are they moulted out silvers Good question In total, I've known 4 light silvers that have faded to BEW with age Myself, I've never understood why people find silvers so desirable when basically they are just prematurely greying animals. It's always struck me as odd that people will pay over the odds for a pre
  15. Happy Birthday. Hope you have a great day
  16. Looks like he's pleased he found you
  17. I'd love to see him live
  18. Are the Gambia rats the type used for landmine detecting as per the video below? Giant rats detecting landmines
  19. Funfuret


    I felt really sorry for the otters when the coyote nicked their trout Ace programme
  20. Nice looking jill One of my hobs used to get so excited when he went into a racing tube that he'd beat a 'drum roll' with his tail against the side of the tube.
  21. Mine love them. I've not had a problem with coughing but I wet the chicks before feeding them. The pros of chicks, I think is that they are getting all the bits of the carcase..bit of heart, bit of liver, lungs, brain, feathers for 'roughage' for their digestive system, i.e. bit of everything. They are bit low in bone, I believe, but I also give mine plenty of other meat on the bone. I don't give mine too much muscle meat because a diet that consistently too high in muscle meat can lead to high potassium levels and cause bone problems.
  22. Forgot to say that you do need a basic rule because people can take racing quite seriously e.g. 1.No ferret's head to enter a tube until the race has been started. 2, No touching (tapping/thumping) the tubes during a race. 3. Ferrets not to be touched until their tails have cleared the tubes. 4. First ferret whose tail clears the tubes wins.
  23. I use plastic garden mesh (bought from Wilco) for the 'spacers' because it's very robust (bounces back into shape if someone steps on it) and it's less likely to damage a ferret or a human. It works so well my 'spacers' have lasted for about 8 years And it is a good fun raiser It's amazing how many people like to bet on the races You do have to watch out that you don't contravene the Gaming Act. I think at the moment that mean no one can bet more than £1 on a race on unlicensed premises ... but the amount could have changed?
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