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Everything posted by .243joe

  1. this song for obvious reasons
  2. i had a russel bitch first litter 11 pups all lived.
  3. .243joe


    ,A farmer goes into town an buys a rooster, he takes it home an as soon as its out of its cage it runs into the hen house an screws every single one. the farmer who is in shock says,you crazy rooster your goin to kill yourself, as soon as he,s out of the hen house he spies a group of ducks an proceeds to screw every single one of them, not finished yet the rooster sees a group of geese an screws every one of them, stupid rooster, your gonna kick the bucket if you dont slow down says the farmer, then he goes inside for lunch, later that day he goes outside to check on the animals, an see,s
  4. now your talking,hard ta bate a bottle of plum
  5. has to be guinness ye couldn bate it wit a big stick
  6. So are cattle. Pat's a dyed in the wool Cattleman. These people around me are all brought up around livestock. Spent his life with the creatures and cares for them like his own kids. He knows his stuff alright. He also stated that the pony was always fine, till he had him carved up. I imagine he'd have noticed if his character had changed there after. He said he Had noticed. Not much I can do about that fact. Regards me being able to handle the pony? I just did what comes naturally. It was actually the first pony I've ever had to approach in my entire life. Never done that before.
  7. .243joe

    TV & Movies

    the butcher boy, and shrooms were filmed up beside us,
  8. go to [the trap man ] site an have a look at the letterbox multi catch trap simple to make and very effective.
  9. good luck mate im on my last week of champix an i cant beleive how good they are,only one thing i didn,t like about them was the crazy nightmares they gave me, so after about 5 weeks i stopped taking the night time tablet just to see if it would make a difference and the nightmares stopped, 1 tablet a day seemed to be enough and it wasn,t down to willpower cause i dont hav any, 2 of my friends are on them too an after 5 or 6 weeks they cut down to 1 tablet a day for the same reasons and still didn,t want to smoke, i cant speak highly enough of these tablets,i went to my doctor with stomach tro
  10. my 1990 gsxr 750 slingshot, best bike i ever had, dont no why i got rid,the usual thought the grass was greener
  11. i borrowed a neighbours horse one night after a few too many guinness,took it to a friends house where there was a party goin on,took it into the kitchen,had a few beers then left it back,thats the type of thing drink puts into my head,good craic at the time
  12. seen something like this in mad max 1, but without the balls or the vice or the scorned wife,but it was similar...
  14. i was smoking about 30 a day,but im off them nearly 3 months now thanks to them tablets champix, got a prescription from doc an i have to say they are f...ing brilliant,
  15. nice to see no staffs on list,ive had them all my life,and fair enough there are some of them that wont tolerate other dogs,but in my opinion theres no better dog round people,they just got alot of bad press lately,because people who wouldn,t no a pug from a saint bernard classed them as a pitbull
  16. good job starting him young,i love having my lad out with me, nothing like it,only mrs house wasn,t to keen on it to start,but she came round
  17. welcome mate go to ,the trap man, website and check out the letter box multi catch trap,shows you how to make one very simple but very effective
  18. welcome you,ll find everything you want on this site
  19. hello and welcome youv,e your hands full with all dem dogs
  20. brilliant read d,s an perfect shooting dean,o, i no what you mean about the grey,s horrible b...ards
  21. well done mate nice looking fox,bet you enjoyed your roll after that
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