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Everything posted by silverfoxsid08

  1. sorry to here that mate r i p ted
  2. its all the same around here mate its not good at all
  3. ok mate what happend to you last nite my mate was waiting for you or your lad to come hes not selling is black bitch now so will you ring me mate
  4. sorry mate im nackerd and my spelling not good hes was 16 insh but he put 24 insh on is so ill ask him for you
  5. l ask a mate cs he swopped is for a insh hes was 16 insh
  6. td5 disco are good mine dose over 30 mpg and that not on a run 40 ish on a run
  7. well if you av a job to do then thats ok but doing it for the fun thats bad news
  8. juts keep it in a spint that what iv done in the past and was fine mate
  9. welcome hope you av fun we all av good bits and bad bits to say just enjoysteve from hull
  10. iv got to sets of four mate my big dogs av runs that are 8ft by 4ft and in side is 4ft by 4ft and thats where they sleep and the terriers are 2meters by 1 meters with drums in to sleep in and all got a roof on it is that ok for you mate
  11. what do you want to give for one mate with post pm me thanks
  12. it is getting bad out there but as long as you do things right in the low then your doing your bit well thats what i think anyway
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