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just jack

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Everything posted by just jack

  1. i don't think there is such a thing as a stupid question
  2. i don't really know how to use photo bucket on the pc never mind a fooking phone gem
  3. sturon, a pal gave me some red but i can't remember what they were and some shallots its my first time but worth a go Al
  4. just jack

    I Pad's

    Mate, I got to have something to occupy myself with while I'm sat about the house, it's either mess with technology or sit wanking myself into oblivion over Countryfile and Farmers Weekly! Can you watch a full episode of the Gadget Show without getting aroused? .... i can't as polly is worth a review
  5. a pic from the other year bit shit as it was of the phone and paulus's tricks of the trade are wank
  6. just jack

    I Pad's

    i believe you have to take a hairdressing/manicure coarse first then everything just falls into place
  7. Just call me ginge with a kilt and a beard Don't forget the beads beads ?Fecking phone ,Beads of sweat as your knocking one out watching the fella in the gimp mask your getting right on my tats you bald bearded/ noel edmonds don scots brummie ginger kilt wearing twat
  8. http://s575.beta.photobucket.com/user/jackoleeds/media/jacks2195_zps6600939a.jpg.html?sort=3&o=1 a few flags got laid
  9. Just call me ginge with a kilt and a beard Don't forget the beads beads ?
  10. Generosity is reward in itself. how true is that
  11. try "i wear a gimp mask at work" PIL showed me that one
  12. i was down yesterday to put a few flags down where the bench is going and collared an ole kid for some onions as iv done him a favour or two, he gave me a taster a couple of month back and they were something else so i praised his work and he was happy to give me more
  13. if you put the work in its still worth a punt i say, but its my first year and it might change next year, who knows, but i shall crack on for now
  14. fair play i say look at face fook and the likes shame my internet knowledge started late and is very limited anyway, might of been worth a bash a few years back. doubt it though i'll start with online surveys
  15. Thats very true the cost soon mounts especially if using containers and need to get compost in. But the spuds I grew for the first time a couple of years ago I haven't tasted spuds that good since I was a kid and we grew our own stuff then. They caught me out too because they cooked in a few minutes not like the ones you buy that need boiling for a day and half to get tender it sure is terry i hope i don't fail to much but there is always next year plus i have the father in law involved who knows everything apparently
  16. just jack

    I Pad's

    i love my ipad and iphone for when i'm cutting hair for my job as i'm a mobile hairdresser snip snip
  17. no ones mentioned the ex dj , from leeds Jimmy savile :whistling: i said this stiggy a while back i think and you pointed me in the correct posture
  18. and when the first ever clip of american wrestling came on, ours was shit
  19. i can remember something about a deaf and dumb fella but not sure? is this him?
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