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just jack

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Everything posted by just jack

  1. nice 223 can i ask, what are the plastic things on top of the canes and what do they do? in pic 5 sorry its our first season on the allotment but not really seen that on ours
  2. i'v not used comfrey but i put manure in an old pillow case with string round and dumped it in a water but/ wheelie bin http://s575.photobucket.com/user/jackoleeds/media/jacks2412_zpsbfb56e2b.jpg.html?sort=3&o=11
  3. what are your tatties spaced at darb? we done rows at 2ft apart and spud seed at 18in apart down the row looks good pal Hopefully the same as yours jack. the old man cut the measuring sticks. at the age of 70 he is still a angry old man and he was in one of them moods that day. so i couldnt be arsed checking them if i would have got the tape measure out it would of lit the blue touch paper.the spade would have been above his head hitting everything in sight. i always thought plots were meant to be relaxing ours can some times resemble a war zone. :laugh: i'm in the same boat ma
  4. what are your tatties spaced at darb? we done rows at 2ft apart and spud seed at 18in apart down the row looks good pal
  5. we used this scaffold netting its a tad warm while weeding mind http://s575.photobucket.com/user/jackoleeds/media/jacks2446_zps4a89b062.jpg.html?sort=3&o=6
  6. been waiting all night box of tissues at the ready
  7. last time you put a photo of your work up jacko you coud`nt see it for tarpaulin it was raining
  8. nice brickwork j dog, fair play don't listen to the shiny trouser bunch
  9. i was going to cut some off and tell the wife it was asparagus darbo
  10. i was down today ( weeding ) mares tail is a twat and ffs the thistles netted the cabbage and sprouts up last week and the tatties are coming on http://s575.photobucket.com/user/jackoleeds/library/?sort=3&page=1
  11. put cabbage and sprout in today then netted, cauliflower some time tomorrow afternoon i think
  12. scampi and lemon crisps reminds me when my mother used to grasp my head between her knees and cut my fringe no need now though as i comb it back in a pony tail
  13. got gifted a couple of cucumber plants today, so they are in tubs in the greenhouse
  14. put some peas in some gutter as the fooking mice have ate the ones i planted potted the toms potted some chilli peppers aswell as sweet peppers, put some carrots in just 2 rows for now as its the ones in the tape :hmm:so not sure how they will turn out. also the beetroot is sprouting i think next week we are putting the cabbage and sprouts in the ground and can i say, pigeons are not scared of by plastic bags on the neighbors plot http://s575.photobucket.com/user/jackoleeds/media/jacks2408_zpsa2940253.jpg.html?sort=3&o=4 not sure if the pics will work as i'm shat
  15. i think if he does get locked up he will be in with all the nonce's anyway pip and they will be reminiscing over "it's a kock out"
  16. love the Victorian times but know fook all about it really, i shall ask some vintage people i watch repeats of living on a Victorian/Edwardian farm
  17. i did a pub quiz ONCE i got 2 questions right out of 40 did you win? or was the barman supreme
  18. if i'm home, i watch the chase so i know fook all but can pluck a few corkers out
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