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just jack

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Everything posted by just jack

  1. no shit boots, very busy on the beens and the peas did well. i'm saving some to plant for next year
  2. got bummed on wednesday, took the wife and kids to alton towers, "hope to see you again sir" "like fook you will"

    1. foxtails


      absolute brilliant rides but at the same time a complete rip off !!

    2. just jack

      just jack

      i hope you didn't pay a quid for the fish food ffs!!

      cheeky cnuts

    3. just jack

      just jack

      agreed foxtails

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  3. tied a few collies up this aft as they are getting a heart, our extra 1/2 plot has been plucked of most of the weeds then fluffed, cabbages don't look to bad really (i think) also washed the wifes lettuce http://s575.photobucket.com/user/jackoleeds/media/jacks3028_zps53d8e269.jpg.html?sort=3&o=7
  4. looking good tel, never mind about the size as all the rest will be wasted as for the comfrey, is the lump of concrete to hold it down? have you tried putting it in a pillow case and tieing it to the tub, then you can give the water ( stale ) a shake to liven it up
  5. picked the cumber swede and beans also some onions http://s575.photobucket.com/user/jackoleeds/media/jacks3017_zps9fde170b.jpg.html?sort=3&o=0
  6. i thought he was a paki the first time i saw him but he isn't how good is that
  7. good going tel i've pulled all our peas but got quite a few so we are happy, did you have any caterpillars in the pods? we did, not that many though and apparently they are on the flower before they pod now i know for next year No I didn't notice any caterpillars but they were covered in netting. That scaffold netting was the best thing I have bought. Should get a few years out of it too. I wouldn't fancy my chances other wise. It seems to keep every thing out and so far I have only found one caterpillar under it in the whole plot. It cost me 60 quid for 2 x 50 metre by 2 me
  8. ffs dog in the vets in the morning, silly little twat tried jumping on the kids trampoline, next minute a almighty yelp and he couldn't move his back legs, phone the emergency vets and said to leave him a few hours as it could be a trapped nerve? he's walking now but very cagey and his back is arched all the time, ffs, should be cheap!!!! not,

    1. just jack
    2. foxtails


      expensive! vets always are!

    3. just jack

      just jack

      not as bad as i thought really, £53.00 for a wks course of some tablets!!! if no better in a wk its Xrays, no straight answer really, trapped nerve/ slipped disc, anyway its done and he wont be going for an Xray!!

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  9. good going tel i've pulled all our peas but got quite a few so we are happy, did you have any caterpillars in the pods? we did, not that many though and apparently they are on the flower before they pod now i know for next year
  10. Very artistic carrots you have there they still got grated Tel for the coleslaw jj were they grown in recently manured soil or was the soil stoney or heavy all possible causes of forked carrots.?i grow them in big containers were you can mix compost and sharp sand and have plenty drainage. darb they were grown in a 3x2 wooden box 3ft deep filled with riddled ash and soil, i have some more in another place 2 scaffold battens deep and dug deeper and that was riddled also, but i did put a mixture of sand in this, i also have parsnips in this bed, so we shall see, the carrots
  11. Very artistic carrots you have there they still got grated Tel for the coleslaw jj were they grown in recently manured soil or was the soil stoney or heavy all possible causes of forked carrots.?i grow them in big containers were you can mix compost and sharp sand and have plenty drainage. darb they were grown in a 3x2 wooden box 3ft deep filled with riddled ash and soil, i have some more in another place 2 scaffold battens deep and dug deeper and that was riddled also, but i did put a mixture of sand in this, i also have parsnips in this bed, so we shall see, the carrots
  12. i got told the other day that if you put a banana or two in the area of the toms it helps them to ripen something to do with the gas they let off well i'm gonna launch a couple in the greenhouses and see how it goes
  13. Very artistic carrots you have there they still got grated Tel for the coleslaw
  14. pulled a tattie bush today just for a taster ( apache) also a cumber and i got gifted a nice collie and my carrots are shite http://s575.photobucket.com/user/jackoleeds/media/jacks2954_zpsc3886741.jpg.html?sort=3&o=5
  15. has anyone used hepson salts diluted to perk there cumbers up, i got told it works some of the leaves are going yellow and apparently they are lacking something and this works any feedback on this would be good
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beCYGm1vMJ0
  17. makes you think a bit.... i said to the wife today after we heard on the news, 60 is fook all nowadays but it just goes to show
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