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just jack

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Everything posted by just jack

  1. dug the last of the valour up but we got quite a bit of waist with holes due to the slugs still got 2 sacs mind http://s575.photobucket.com/user/jackoleeds/media/jacks3110_zps1a4e160e.jpg.html?sort=3&o=15 leeks and toms doing ok but its just about done, also the spring cabbage will be going in the ground in a wk or 2 when i get them out of the bath
  2. gerrem on manningham lane, best place for em
  3. calm down fellas its not full metal jacket yet
  4. Wait till your Father Gets Home i reckon homer and his crowd got the start of the programme from that
  5. well there no stranger to winning.as much as i despise the c**ts got to give them that. agreed scot hence my statement
  6. WDY in the school holidays full of paddies and geordies mind why don't you http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Why_Don%27t_You%3F
  7. thats nice of them is that 10p to the pound
  8. ..aye and good f*****g luck with that on here Ross! Have you thought about maybe finding a photography forum somewhere, there's bound to be a few out there? is that the kind were you put your car keys in a bowl
  9. his statement was a lot better than his football/acting and he never got paid for the statement
  10. just jack


    check your paypal account then recent activity, there should be something in there
  11. good vids as your minks are more obedient than my dogs i shall dye my head ginger and try that joking apart is a weird one
  12. i use paypal but mainly on fleabay, also used it for the different things including private sales, on here also but i think it depends how you do it? gift etc and all that, i'm sure the greedy cnuts on paypal won't return any cash if you do it as a gift? i'm sure someone will tell you more though
  13. i'd like to be one of those traffic wombles on the motorways as there was a pair of ladders on the M1 today for a while apparently well i would of taken steps to get them removed ASAP
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