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just jack

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Everything posted by just jack

  1. thanks very much Tel, he was a good patient
  2. i put this in the slow cooker mate with some veg,he didn't look good at first but once he had a bath he turned out not bad, lovely not sure with the oven though
  3. why is chat so DESPERADO, haha, get a grip bitches ffs

  4. ffs digg i'v just pictured my ole mans come face hello son
  5. you can fook off get back in your box
  6. i just dont get it, what is the urge ffs
  7. stick to the allotment JJ i don't know a great deal about that either
  8. When? when i say now fook off and moderate
  9. you 2 can go bollox copy paste ffs i know what i'm doing
  10. sorry, its a copy n paste job i'm not very good at this
  11. if it works anyway www.(!64.56:886/photo.php?v=392236544244676
  12. i found it amusing anyway, www.(!64.56:886/photo.php?v=392236544244676

  13. Yeah remember when Nigel Mansell won it? he's another twat up his own arse
  14. some good interesting posts still a twat mind everyone to there own i suppose
  15. from bristol so not that northen pistol pete rolls in about the 1.40 mark
  16. i dropped an estimate in today to an old dear for some roof repairs and she said "i have someone coming round can i call you shortly" i said can you fook you old hag i don't even know you"!!!!

  17. you don't need the dogs with a mug like that moll !!!!
  18. chinky mi thinky

    1. BOLSTER


      Fcuking WOG CRAP !

    2. just jack

      just jack

      your such a racist!!

      it was lovely and the toe nails i found were painted, mmmm, classy gaff ya see!!

  19. Good job you got out the way of that jj and them bits of corrugated flying around not much fun either so true Tel, not sure if you can see the red thing on the floor but thats a small plough that a fella uses when he brings his small tractor on to churn his manure in
  20. it was a tad windy Tel it blew a 4x4 pvc lump of glass out of my rickity greenhouse and smashed on a bed about 15ft away, that was after i left that morning thank fook, it would of took some poor bleeders nut of
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