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Everything posted by masterme11

  1. hi all, were have you guys had most success in shooting a pigeon i mean i normally try to go for the head but they just keep moving it, i haven't really tryed the breast, iv'e also heard that were the neck joins the body is a good place. Please leave your coments for were you try to shoot the flying rats and how much success have you had?
  2. i all ways go for head shot but never have much luck i have no idea were the heart or lungs are could you give me an indication of were and how much luck have you had shhoting them there? p.s. cracking shoot
  3. Got my new gun cometa 400s i've been practasing with it and have troulbe getting use to it Check out what i got sitting in one of my trees.
  4. another newbie question is is worth getting a tripod for my air rifles if so which one (my gun Cometa 400s)
  5. Nice shooting Check out what I got with my new gun
  6. We've got a bird feeder full of nuts but never get Squirrels on it.
  7. hey all, i just got a new air rifle a .22 cometa 400s i was shooting with a .20 with my old gun i could only go for head shots to kill pigeons does and now any places to go for with my new gun. also does any one have any good tips to get grey squirrels down from the trees i know one there but i can't get a shot on it.
  8. well i'm 13 and i think i'm a young hunter
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